Studi Tentang Pembinaan Akhlak Pada Peserta Didik Melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler Di SMA Taruna Tunas Bangsa Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Sumatera Selatan


  • Amri Ashadi IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Abdul Roni IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Supatmi IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Suci Hartati IAI An Nur Lampung


The   Board   of   Trustees   has   not   entirely   formulated   a   development program to the extracurricular  achievement  indicators,  the  implementation  of  meetings  that  are  less  than optimal, have not yet established coordination between coaches regarding the extracurricular agenda. This study aims to uncover the processes of planning, implementing, evaluating, and the results of the   moral   development   of   students   through   extracurricular   activities   at SMA Taruna Tunas Bangsa Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Sumatera Selatan. The research method used is qualitat ive. Data collection techniques use structured interviews, participatory observation, and  documentation  studies.  The  results  of  the  study  show;  first,  planning  is carried  out  at  the  general  meeting  at  the  beginning  of  the  academic  year  covering  the formulation of the activity agenda, competency in extracurricular achievements, budget; second, the implementation of fostering students in instilling the values of character akhlak karimah through motivation, giving examples/exemplary behavior and sharings among members; third, the overall evaluation will be held at the end of the semester deliberation meeting with the entire civitas academic. Assessment is carried out through daily behavior and reports  from  guardian parents;  fourth,  the  results  of  coaching,  namely:  fair competition,  maintaining  the  good name  of  the  institution,  being  on  time, obeying the guidance of Allah and the Prophets, high fighting spirit, never giving up,   tolerance,  careful,   thorough,   objective,   discipline, responsibility, compassion,   mutual   assistance   mutual   cooperation,   faithfulness,   mutual respect, courtesy, honesty and fairness.




How to Cite

Amri Ashadi, Abdul Roni, Supatmi, & Suci Hartati. (2022). Studi Tentang Pembinaan Akhlak Pada Peserta Didik Melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler Di SMA Taruna Tunas Bangsa Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Sumatera Selatan. UNISAN JURNAL, 1(1), 334–345. Retrieved from




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