supervisi akademik kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di tk taruna jaya way halim bandar lampung


  • Dewi Sintani Karimah IAI An Nur Lampung


This  research  assesses  the  extent   of  learning   quality  improvement   by using  the

academic supervision technique as an effort to know the improvement of learning quality in TK

Taruna Jaya Way Halim Bandar  Lampung. The research focus on this journal related to academic

supervision technique,  the  process  of  academic  supervision,  the  implementation  of academic supervision,  monitoring  and  evaluation  of  academic supervision, and the impact and follow up of aca-demic supervision of principal in improving learning quality. The research technique used was  observation,  interview,  and  document  study  with  qualitative  approach  and  sampling purposive  sampling  and  snowball sampling. The  results of this study are expected to  find  a description of academic supervision in improving learning quality.




How to Cite

Dewi Sintani Karimah. (2022). supervisi akademik kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di tk taruna jaya way halim bandar lampung. UNISAN JURNAL, 1(3), 798–809. Retrieved from




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