Kesehatan Mental Remaja Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam ( Studi Pada Risma At-Taqwa Desa Kampung Baru Kecamatan Penengahan Lampung Selatan)


  • Supyanuddin IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Achmad Sarbanun IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Rina Setyaningsih IAI An Nur Lampung


Adolescents are human figures who are experiencing rapid psychological and physiological growth and development, so that their conditions also affect their thoughts and behavior in everyday life. Therefore, adolescents need to be guided and directed, so that the negative tendencies that exist in adolescents can be muted. And the positive tendency can be

developed in a productive direction with that all the existence of Islamic education is very important. Islamic education is a process of transformation and internalization of knowledge and values in students through the growth and development of potential (fitrah) in order to achieve harmony and perfection of life in all its aspects.




How to Cite

Supyanuddin, Achmad Sarbanun, & Rina Setyaningsih. (2022). Kesehatan Mental Remaja Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam ( Studi Pada Risma At-Taqwa Desa Kampung Baru Kecamatan Penengahan Lampung Selatan). UNISAN JURNAL, 1(3), 633–647. Retrieved from




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