
  • Halimatus Sa’diyah IAI An Nur Lampung


Reward, Punishment, Santri Discipline


In the current era of global competition, admittedly or not, educational institutions are required to improve institutional performance that is effective and conducive. Which educators are figures who have a very strategic position in the learning process. Pesantren is a traditional education where students live together and study under the guidance of Ustadz who are better known as kiai and have dormitories for students to stay. One of the successes of an education is determined by educator factors. Therefore it is very necessary to have continuous efforts to improve the discipline of Santri. because improving the quality of educators is the main key to improving the quality of education. Education is very important in shaping the character of students. One of them is education in which there is the cultivation of disciplinary values. Instilling disciplinary values ​​is one effort that can prevent negative behavior in students. Santri can later be directed, safe, and educated as expected. Implementation of reward and punishment is an educational tool that can make students more obedient to the rules made by the Pondok. The existence of these regulations will have a positive impact on the students, as well as produce the output of a good and quality education.


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