
  • Taqwatul Uliyah IAI An Nur Lampung


Khulafaur Rasyidin, Islamic Enducatio, Tauhid Education


After the Prophet Muhammad death, the Ansar wants to replace a caliph from among themselves. Ali ibn Abi Talib wanted to be the caliph, because in-law and closest relatives of the Prophet. But the mayority of Muslims wanted Abu Bakr. Then he was chosen to be the caliph. People who had been in doubt, go immediately to Abu Bakrgave ba'iah. And then the caliphate was followed by Umar ibn Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and last caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib. The caliph concerns with education, religion syiar, and all-powerful Islamic state. Educational materials had been exemplified by theProphet are: tauhid education, ibadah (sholat) education, adab education in the family and social life, personality education, defense education. The purpose of this paper is to reveal in detail the system of Islamic education and the most important scientific events that happened in the time of first four caliphs. Writing technique examines aspects of Islamic education in a historical review of education-related patterns in the period of four caliphs of Islam, based on educational experience of the past.Thus it will be a reference basis for predicting and be a reference for better education of future, found that there are consistency in the educational curriculum that is oriented to the Qur'an as a textbook and practice the Sunnah of the Prophet.


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