
  • Sabarudin Sabarudin IAI An Nur Lampung


Learning Materials, Curriculum 2013


The selection of learning material, it must refer to the competency standard. Of course it is necessary to determine what competency standards and basic competencies students must learn. These criteria will help give the right direction in the next process, namely the identification of aspects in the SK and KD. With these aspects (affective, cognitive and psychomotor), the material must be varied. So that the material becomes classified as affective type material, cognitive type material and psychomotor type material. It can be seen that it turns out that with the development of today's technology, it can facilitate the educators in developing the teaching and learning process, so that educators can deliver information precisely to their targets. Likewise the material to be taught needs to be identified whether the types of facts, concepts, principles, procedures, affective or a combination of more than one type of material. This is to facilitate the teacher in how to teach it, because each type of learning material will demand the need for a different learning strategy or method, with different media and evaluation systems.


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