
  • Rina Setyaningsih IAI An Nur Lampung


Qurash Shihab, Prayer, Worship


Prayer is a study that is very close to human life, and every prayer has been taught by Allah and His Messenger, therefore, it is very appropriate if the author in this case discusses the problem of prayer seen from the perspective of Quraish Shihab as a figure of interpretation of al-Quraish. -Qur'an and is also one of the great ulama figures in Indonesia. Prayer is a necessity that cannot be separated from human life, so humans will always need prayer. Quraish Shihab in explaining the problem of prayer when viewed from his presentation is not so broad, but if it is explored more deeply it is full of conditions with meaning, thus providing an opportunity for every reader to participate in interpreting each statement. As the end of his words from his writings which reads: "The first and foremost required of everyone who prays is to fulfill His commands". The words above, at the same time answer about the urgency of prayer in relation to human life, which is none other than God creating human life solely to fulfill His commands, namely to worship Him, and the urgency of worship itself is prayer. A and effort in human life are part of prayer itself, so that the two cannot be separated.


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