
  • Budi Waluyo IAI An Nur Lampung


Work Commitmen, Teacher


This article was aimed to determine the causal factors and also the impacts caused by the low commitment of teachers in the field of study at Hidayatul Mubtadiin High School and that strategies can be found to solve the problem. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research design by revealing data and facts in the field. Data collection techniques used in this study are analysis documents related to the presence of teachers, conducting interviews with related parties, and conducting observations directly related to teacher attendance and teacher return. In this study, the authors used analyze problems, analyze the causes of problems and also analyze the impact caused by these problems. The results of this study indicate that the low commitment of teacher work at Hidayatul Mubtadiin High School caused by; motivation of teacher work is low, applicable school regulations are not implemented optimally, and lack of Supervision by the principal.


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