
  • Budi Waluyo IAI An Nur Lampung


Learning, Media, ICT, Islamic Education


This article states that the issue of learning media can help in improving the quality and relevance of education in Indonesia, considering the enormous influence of ICT-based learning on the results (outputs). Therefore, Islamic Educational Institutions are competing in implementing ICT-based learning systems in order to pay attention to and improve the quality and relevance of education. So that various ways are done to maintain and improve the quality and relevance of the education. So the big hope is to be able to answer all the challenges and individual needs along with the times. Utilization of ICT is one of the alternative solutions to address problems related to the quality and relevance of education, which according to some research results can provide benefits for the world of education. However, it is undeniable that at the practical level there are many problems that occur related to the use of ICT in education, especially in Islamic Educational Institutions both related to finance, infrastructure, and even human resources themselves. Then from that, ICT-based education will only succeed if it is managed and handled in a planned, systematic and integrated manner.


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