
  • Erik Novianto IAI An Nur Lampung


Philosophy of Science, west


Along with the process of birth of the sciences, in fact the philosophy of science as a discipline has a fairly broad object of study, which starts in the category of knowledge (knowledge) science (science) itself. Both natural sciences and social sciences are included in humanities, including religious and linguistic sciences. Therefore Wilhelm Dilthey proposes classification and dividing knowledge into Naturrwissenschaft and Geisteswissenschaft by explaining that one is science of the word while the other is science of geist. One uses the Erklaeren method and the other uses Verstehen. For the latter Dilthey called it cultural-historical sciences. Meanwhile according to the scheme made by Jurgen Habermas, that science consists of: Empirical-analytical sciences (natural sciences, also law, psychology). Historical-hermeneutical science (religious science, philosophy, language, literature and culture). The critical social sciences (political science, economics, sociology).


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