
  • Nanang Abdul Jamal IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Sri Fatmawati IAI An Nur Lampung


Culture, Integrity, Student Character


The formation of character in students is very important and fundamental and must always be done by every educator towards their students, both within the scope of formal and non-formal education institutions. The inculcation of strong character is an important instrument that must be instilled in every human being so that man can achieve the goal of life and his creation in the world can run well and can save himself. The building of a strong character must be started and carried out continuously and continuously, among the efforts to form a strong character, namely through the habituation of a culture of integrity.

The habituation of a culture of integrity is a way that is continuously instilled by educational institutions to reach and accustom students in an effort to practice the values ​​contained in integrity. Culture is also a way of life that is carried out and passed down so that there is a habit of behavior that is not carried out voluntarily. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Culture of Integrity in Strengthening the Character of Students.

This type of research is field research, qualitative in nature. Primary data sources for principals and teachers of SMA Negeri 3 Metro City, data collection methods used are; interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the data analysis technique of the Milles and Huberman model.

The results of the analysis of the observation data, interviews and documentation obtained, it can be concluded that the application of a culture of integrity in an effort to strengthen the character of students at SMA N 3 Metro is carried out by procuring a flash boarding school program, integrating learning materials that include character education, habituation of reading the Koran before the learning process takes place, making honesty canteen for students, making student picket schedules, implementing the 3S culture, making the Infak Jum’at program, the Annual Sacrifice program, and a loving environment program with the application of disposing of garbage in its place.


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