
  • Sariyah IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Nur Hidayah IAI An Nur Lampung


management, management information system, madrasah


In the face of globalization, information systems are increasingly needed by educational institutions, especially in improving the quality of the flow of information in educational institutions, and creating alliances or collaborations with other parties that can improve these educational institutions. The Education Management Information System is a combination of human resources and the application of information technology to select, store, process, and retrieve in order to re-support the education decision-making process. The data is empirical data or actual fact data and the truth can be clarified. Management information systems in the world of education, especially in Islamic education is a necessity. This is based on the fact that today's society needs and demands quality education services. One solution that can be provided is the availability of instruments and technological infrastructure that supports good and quality education in the form of an Islamic education management information system.


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