
  • Mu'alim Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung
  • M. Nasor UIN Raden Intan Lampung
  • Taqwatul Uliyah Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


The point of this examination is to find out and comprehend the job of Islamic Strict Training Educators to expanding understudies' advantage in learning in Islamic Strict Schooling subjects. The strategy utilized in this examination is a subjective exploration technique. The information assortment strategies utilized were perception, meetings and documentation. The information sources utilized in this exploration are essential information sources which are utilized to record the central things, while optional information are utilized to record further information. The information got is then handled through information decrease, show, confirmation and reaching inferences. The exploration results show that in view of the depiction introduced above, it tends to be presumed that the job of instructors as instructors should be visible from the educator's capacity to survey gaining results by recognizing passing marks from terrible grades via completing different medicines and furthermore having the option to give motivation. or on the other hand direction on understudy learning progress, giving data on the most recent improvements in science and innovation, as well as rousing or empowering understudies to be excited and dynamic in learning to accomplish their objectives, educators and facilitators can work with the requirements of their understudies while giving support to understudies to foster drive and a feeling of interest. know. The job of educators as bosses, Islamic Strict Instruction instructors are relegated with full liability, where Islamic Strict Training educators are available at school consistently and help with instructing with the homeroom educator, and Islamic Strict Instruction educators likewise control the execution of strict administrations, santri good cause exercises like bathing, Duha petition, supplication. Dzuhur, muroja'ah al Qur'an, eating should be finished utilizing the right hand and done while sitting or resting, and so forth. Educators additionally help improve and basically survey the growing experience in the study hall.




How to Cite

Mu’alim, M. Nasor, & Taqwatul Uliyah. (2024). PERAN GURU MATA PELAJARAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SISWA. UNISAN JURNAL, 3(7), 82–90. Retrieved from




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