
  • Didi Mawardi Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


The quality of education or the quality of teaching and learning in Indonesia is still very low compared to other countries, for that reason, in improving the quality of education in Indonesia, efforts from various parties are needed. These parties other than the government and the community are school principals. Because the principal is a leader in educational institutions, therefore the principal has a very important role in improving the quality of teaching  and  learning.  Improving  the  quality  of  teaching  and  learning  can be  measured through several conditions, namely input, process and output. Input is the school's way of screening prospective students, while the process is a way of both teaching and learning in schools led by a teacher (Teaching and Learning Activities), while the output is the result of the process. From this background, this research wants to know to what extent the efforts of the principal in improving the quality of teaching and learning are and what factors support and hinder the quality of teaching and learning at MTs Nurul Huda Penawartama. This study  has a  purpose,  namely:  to determine  the  principal's efforts in improving  the quality of teaching and learning at MTs Nurul Huda Penawartama, to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors in improving the quality of teaching and learning at MTs Nurul Huda Penawartama. Basically this research is descriptive qualitative, providing an overview or description on a situation as clearly as possible about a particular individual or group in accordance with the actual conditions. Descriptive method is used to analyze qualitative data with data that cannot be realized with numbers. Thus the results of the study indicate that the Principal of MTs Nurul Huda Penawartama. always strive to improve the quality of teaching and learning in various ways, including always holding or participating in training on the ability to manage teaching and learning activities, always seeking teachers according to their respective competencies, always providing coaching or motivation to students, always seeking infrastructure and learning media to support teaching and learning activities, always supervise the course of KBM




How to Cite

Didi Mawardi. (2024). UPAYA KEPALA MADRASAH DAPAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU KEGIATAN BELAJAR MENGAJAR. UNISAN JURNAL, 3(6), 77–84. Retrieved from https://journal.an-nur.ac.id/index.php/unisanjournal/article/view/3007




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