Madrasah Principal Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Building Partnerships at SDN 1 Margototo


  • Ike Andriani


Leadership, Emotional Intelligence.


Madrasah Principal Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has a significant impact in forming a positive learning environment and creating meaningful educational experiences for students, staff and the madrasah community. The following are the conclusions from the discussion: 1) Emotional Intelligence Directs Leadership: Madrasah heads who have high emotional intelligence are able to manage themselves and build relationships with other people better. They can overcome challenges, manage conflicts, and motivate staff and students more effectively. 2) The Importance of a Positive Learning Environment: Madrasah principals who excel with emotional intelligence tend to create a positive and inclusive learning environment. This has a positive impact on student motivation, staff performance and the overall quality of education. 3). Effective Conflict and Stress Management: Emotional intelligence helps madrasa heads manage conflict and stress wisely, so that they can take the right decisions and avoid negative impacts on the madrasa environment. 4). Encouraging Students' Emotional Growth: Madrasah principals who pay attention to emotional intelligence will also pay attention to students' emotional well-being. They can create programs that support students' social and emotional growth. 5). Personal Development and Continuous Learning: It is important for madrasa heads to continue to develop their emotional intelligence through training, mentoring and self-reflection. This helps them become more effective and resilient leaders in facing various challenges in the world of education. Thus, emotional intelligence is not only a valuable addition to madrasah leadership, but also an important foundation for creating a positive and meaningful learning environment for all madrasah members.




How to Cite

Ike Andriani. (2024). Madrasah Principal Leadership Through Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Building Partnerships at SDN 1 Margototo. UNISAN JURNAL, 3(4), 181–187. Retrieved from




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