Internalisasi Karakter Religius Melalui Sistem Manajemen Kesiswaan di SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya


  • Hafida Sepira Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


Religious Character, Student Management


This research aims to explore and analyze how the student management system at SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya is able to become a vehicle for internalizing religious character in students. A qualitative approach is used to gain a deep understanding of students' experiences in a student management system that focuses on religious aspects. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with students and student management staff, participatory observation, and analysis of related documents. The research results show that the student management system at SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya has a significant role in facilitating the internalization of religious character in students. Various activities such as religious training, routine religious activities, development of spiritual values, and implementation of school rules based on religious values are an integral part of this system. Students indicated that through active participation in these activities, they were able to understand, internalize and apply religious values in everyday life. In this context, interactions between students, teachers and student management staff form a supportive environment for the development of religious character. Factors such as open communication, role models from teachers and school staff, and consistency in implementing policies are key to the effectiveness of this system. Nevertheless, challenges such as diversity of values and beliefs among students as well as dynamic social change require a flexible and inclusive approach in designing and managing student management systems. This research contributes to an understanding of the important role of student management systems in shaping students' religious character in formal education environments. The practical implications include the need to develop student management policies and practices that are more responsive to students' spiritual and moral needs, as well as strengthening collaboration between schools, parents and communities in strengthening religious character education.




How to Cite

Hafida Sepira. (2024). Internalisasi Karakter Religius Melalui Sistem Manajemen Kesiswaan di SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya. UNISAN JURNAL, 3(3), 552–558. Retrieved from




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