
  • Sri Rahayu Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


This research aims to find out: (1) aspects of physical evidence (tangibles), (2) aspects of empathy (emphaty), (3) aspects of reliability (reliability), (4) aspects of responsiveness (responsiveness), and (5) aspects of assurance (assurance), in SDN 1 Sumber Agung. The approach used in this study is skinative research with descriptive types of analysis. From the data of each dimension of quality services in this study was collected through interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results of the study were analyzed using triangulation techniques. The results of the study prove that: (1) Quality of services aspects of physical evidence (tangible) availability of facilities and infrastructure that support learning, but library facilities, and  UKS  and mushola  rooms are not available. Schools continue to provide health services and means of reading space by utilizing unused classrooms. As for addressing the absence of mushola by implementing the practice of prayer in class. (2) The quality of service aspect empathy is shown by the concern for the service users in this case students, the attention of students who have below average ability levels. (3) The quality of reliability  aspect  service  is  to  provide  the  service  that  is  promised,  any  information submitted accurately and on target. (4) The quality of the responsiveness aspects of SDN 1 Sumber Agung is demonstrated  with the willingness and ability to help the difficulties facing students and respond quickly to any inputs both criticism and advice. (5) Quality of assurance aspects creates trust and assures customers that the success rate of learning process at SDN 1 Sumber Agung and output is satisfactory. Adequate teacher competence based  on  education  and  staffing  levels.  Guarantee  provided  such  as  the  number  of graduates is 100%, the number of graduates received in state school as well as prominent academic abilities.




How to Cite

Sri Rahayu. (2023). MUTU LAYANAN PENDIDIKAN SDN 1 SUMBER AGUNG. UNISAN JURNAL, 2(5), 22–30. Retrieved from




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