
  • Abdul Adib IAI An Nur Lampung


Method, Turats, Islamic Boarding School


Pesantren as a form of non-formal educational institutions is one type of traditional Islamic education institution in Indonesia, whose educational purpose is to explore the religious sciences and practice them as guidelines in daily life. The implementation of a boarding school education institution in the form of a dormitory, which is a community that is cared for by clerics or scholars and assisted by ustadz The purpose of education in Islamic boarding schools is to form a character and person who is virtuous, has good morals, as well as the successor and enforcer of religion and the state. This is why pesantren have been recognized as educational institutions that have contributed to the intellectual life of the nation. The application of the yellow book learning method at Islamic boarding schools (Pondok Pesantren) is in accordance with the inherited method from the salaf ulama, namely: a) classical method (a combination of conventional methods) in which the learners are tiered and classy, ​​b) the bandongan method, namely students listening to / following what the ustadz said , c) the sorogan method, namely the ustadz listening to / following what the students said, d) the discussion method as problem solving, and e) the memorization method is a method for remembering teaching material.


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