
  • Diana Diana IAI An Nur Lampung


Fikh, Worship, Covid-19


This writing is motivated by conditions in the form of the corona virus which requires everyone to stop doing activities outside the home, so that it has an impact on congregational worship activities in mosques. A view that requires people to think about whether to worship at the mosque in congregation even though the virus continues to grow or leave worship at the mosque because they are worried about the virus. Generally, based on research, this virus spreads through droplets and transmits disease through direct contact with sufferers. When vaccines and drugs are still limited in number, the concrete steps taken are to break the chain of spreading the virus. Therefore, various countries have taken policies in an effort to stop the spread of the virus. Indonesia is no exception, as an affected country has also issued a policy of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This rule regulates various aspects ranging from the implementation of education, work to worship. In the field of worship, this rule requires the temporary abolition of worship in houses of worship and replaces them with worshiping at home. This rule raises pros and cons in society. The results of this study show that the policy of eliminating worship in places of worship during the pandemic does not conflict with Islamic law. In addition, to issue other policies in dealing with this pandemic, based on Islamic law protecting the soul is prioritized over protecting property.


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Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar Dalam Rangka Percepatan Penanganan Corona Virus Disease

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