
  • Budi Waluyo


Educational Methods, Educational Media


 Learning media is a tool that can help the process of teaching and learning activities so that the message conveyed becomes clearer and the objectives of education or learning can be achieved effectively and efficiently. The learning strategy is an important thing in achieving learning objectives. This strategy is chosen according to the nature or character of the subject matter itself. The benefits of learning media, First, learning will attract more students' attention so that it can lead to student learning motivation. Second, the meaning of the learning material will be clearer so that it is better understood. Third, teaching methods will be more varied, not merely verbal communication through wording by the teacher, so that you don't feel bored. Fourth, students do more learning activities because they do not only listen to teacher descriptions, but also other activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating and others. The benefits of learning strategies, make it easier to communicate the intent of teaching and learning activities to students, so that students can do their learning actions more independently, make it easier for teachers to choose and arrange teaching materials, help make it easier for teachers to determine learning activities and learning media, make it easier for teachers to conduct assessments.


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