
  • Sugianto Sugianto IAI An Nur Lampung


classroom processing strategy, learning achievement and teacher quality


Classroom management strategies are patterns or tactics that describe the steps used by teachers in creating and maintaining conducive classroom conditions, so that students can learn optimally, actively, and fun effectively and efficiently to achieve learning objectives. The success of PAI learning can be measured from cognitive, affective, and psychomotor achievements. PAI learning in madrasas has broad material aspects with only 2 hours scheduled for each PAI subject. Meanwhile, in the PAI learning process in the classroom, students often encounter learning difficulties, lack of concentration, decreased motivation, and even student behavior that interferes with the learning process. So this will affect the success of PAI learning objectives. The aim of this research is to analyze in depth and discuss these problems. To analyze this problem, Edmund Husserl's phenomenological theory is used. The method used in this research is qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of observation and in-depth interviews. The results showed that: The implementation of classroom management strategies in PAI learning at MTs Matla'ul Anwar Cintamulya in two ways, namely indoor and outdoor strategies. The indoor strategy is carried out by improving classroom administrative management, classroom operative management, classroom arrangement, student behavior management, and the application of varied learning strategies. While the outdoor strategy is by structuring a conducive school environment, involving community leaders to become teachers for students and involving students in religious activities in the community. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that a good learning process does not only convey new concepts and information centered in the classroom, but explores the interrelationships of various amazing phenomena around students.


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