
  • Sugianto Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung
  • Yayu Tsamrotul Fuadah Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


Pesantren, tawazun, tawassut, tolerance


This study discusses the role of pesantren in implementing religious tolerance. In addition, the purpose of this study is: to discuss and explain the role of pesantren in implementing religious tolerance in community life. The results showed that Islamic boarding schools gave birth to at least "five basic guidelines" in relation to efforts to knit tolerance between religious communities in the forum of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), namely (1) being balanced (tawa>zun) or moderate (tawassut}); (2) recognize and respect the beliefs of each religion; (3) not imposing the mission of believing in a religion; (4) mutual friendship, assistance, and cooperation in the fields of mu'a>malah-ijtima>'iyyah (social-society); (5) be proactive in order to find common ground (sawa>'/common platform).This attitude does not need to be worried about diluting the authenticity of the religion he originally embraced. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the majority of the Muslim population of Indonesia is a protector and spreads affection for followers of other religions. While out there it often happens that Muslims and other minorities experience discrimination simply because of differences in beliefs. This is the real contribution of Pesantren and the Indonesian Nation to world civilization.



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