
  • Ma’ruf IAI An Nur Lampung


Islamic Education Goals


The purpose of education is basically the realization of students who understand Islamic sciences and practice them in everyday life. In other words, the realization of insan kamil, namely humans who return to their nature and to the purpose of their life as he vowed to be a human being who came from Allah and returned to Allah. Azyumardi Azra's idea about Islamic education is the result of his thoughts on developing the quality of Islamic education. The idea in question is the goals and curriculum of Islamic education. As for Azyumardi Azra's thoughts on Islamic education, namely his attention to the democratization and modernization of Islamic education with the aim of being able to raise the dignity of Islamic educational institutions that produce high quality. In terms of reform, Azyumardi Azra focuses on the inputs and outputs of Islamic education for the community. By combining traditional values and future-oriented values.


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