
  • Mustaqim Hasan IAI An Nur Lampung


Religious Moderation, National Life


Indonesia as a nation state is unique with its diversity in terms of ethnicity, race, customs, traditions, culture, language, beliefs and beliefs that can blend together in the Pancasila ideology. The big upload that Indonesia has as an extraordinary potential that we must be grateful for by maintaining and caring for it, do not let it be scattered by the notions of extremism and radicalism that are developing to infiltrate through the flow of globalization and information disclosure. There needs to be a solution to become a filter for the provision of national life that must be instilled in the soul of the nation. Moderation offers a solution as a middle ground option to ward off ideologies that are not compatible with the nation's identity;

In the context of religion, moderation is understood by adherents and adherents of Islam known as wasatiyah Islam or moderate Islam, namely Islam the middle way which is far from violence, love peace, tolerance, maintaining good overall values, accepting every change and renewal for the benefit.

The principles of moderation in Islam are as follows: 1) Tawassuth (taking the middle way), 2) Tawazun (balance), 3) I'tidal (straight and firm), 4) Tasamuh (tolerance), 5) Musawah (equality), 6) Shura (deliberation), 7) Ishlah (reform), 8) Aulawiyah (prioritizing the priority), 9) Tathawur wa ibtikar (dynamic and innovative), 10) Tahadhdhur (civilized).


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