Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam 2023-08-17T13:58:17+00:00 xxx Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Az Zahra published by the Economics and Business Islamic Faculty, University Islamic An Nur Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia</p> <p>Jurnal Az Zahra: Journal of Law and Islamic Thought. Jurnal Syariahku has been published since 2023 for Vol.1, No.1 is in the process of obtaining ISSN. The journal is created for researchers and academics, as well as the public audiences and who has an interest in the scientific repertoire of Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic Accounting, Islamic Business.</p> <p> </p> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Journal Title</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>JURNAL AZ ZAHRA</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Subject</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>Economics and Business Islamic</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Language</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>Indonesia, English</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>ISSN</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>XXXX-XXXX (Print) - XXXX-XXXX (Online)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Frequency</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>1 Issues Per Mount (every mount)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>DOI Prefix</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>xx.xxxx</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Editor in Chief</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>Ayu Aristika</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Publisher</strong></p> </td> <td> <p>Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>Citation Analysis</strong></p> </td> <td> <p><a href="">Google Scholar</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><strong>OAI</strong></p> </td> <td> <p><a href=""></a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> KEBIJAKAN BIDANG EKONOMI PEMDA KOTA METRO TERHADAP PENGELOLAAN LOKASI USAHA DI NUWO INTAN KOTA METRO TAHUN 2018 2023-08-13T04:39:24+00:00 Alfaridzi Al Fathis <p>The gap that occurs between human interests and <br>the limited amount of land causes collisions and land <br>problems. Population growth will continue to increase <br>slowly. The increase in population that occurs has <br>consequences for the demand for land needs as settlements, <br>industry, infrastructure, and services. Areas that are <br>considered potential for development tend to be more <br>intensive when compared to areas that lack resources to be <br>developed. The characteristics and quantity of land is a <br>critical understanding of the economic benefits of land <br>where economic activity develops is the interest of the <br>community to mobilize.<br>This study aims to find out about what factors affect the <br>increase in land prices due to the development of Raman <br>Dam tourism in the Metro. This type of research is field <br>research, while the nature of this research is qualitative <br>descriptive with data collection techniques using interview <br>and documentation methods. All data obtained are <br>analyzed inductively.<br>The results obtained from this study are that the physical <br>characteristics of a plot of land there are several factors that <br>significantly affect the price of land located near Raman <br>Dam including physical characteristics of land, <br>accessibility, land use status stated in the land certificate, <br>as well as the availability of public facilities and public <br>security. The existence of Raman Dam tourism is the main <br>indicator of socio-economic development which has an <br>impact on the need for land parcels to increase enough, <br>causing land prices to increase. Increasing the accessibility <br>of road conditions and the distance to Raman Dam greatly <br>determines the increase in land price.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UPAYA ISTRI DALAM MENINGKATKAN EKONOMI KELUARGA DITINJAU DARI EKONOMI SYARIAH (Study Kasus Di Desa Mekar Mulyo Kecamatan Sekampung) 2023-08-13T06:18:43+00:00 Redian Ari Nugraha <p>Women or adult women are daughters (adults). <br>Women are women (more subtle), while women are as <br>opposed to the male sex. The word woman comes from <br>Sanskrit meaning desired, praised. Women's participation <br>in the world of work has contributed greatly to family <br>welfare, especially in the economic sector. There are 6 <br>factors that cause women to enter the workforce, namely: <br>First. Educational opportunities are open to men or <br>women. Second. Women as the main breadwinner. Third.<br>The necessity of women to work to increase the income of <br>their husbands. Fourth. The woman whose husband died. <br>Fifth. The woman who was divorced by her husband. <br>Sixth. Women who become mothers at a young age <br>without husbands.<br>The purpose of the study was to determine the role of wives <br>in efforts to improve the family economy in terms of the <br>Shari'ah economy and to find out what factors affect the <br>role of wives in efforts to improve the family economy. <br>Positive impact with the existence of Home Industry <br>Krupuk Galang.<br>With the existence of the Krupuk Galang Home Industry <br>in Mekarmulyo Village, it can improve the economy of <br>underprivileged families, before they work their family <br>income in one month is less than Rp. 1000,000 after <br>working the income obtained is currently approximately <br>Rp. 1,500,000, so that they can increase their daily needs <br>by working there can also help prosper and maintain the <br>integrity of their household<br>The positive impacts of the Krupuk Galang Home Industry <br>are: opening job opportunities, reducing unemployment, <br>improving the household economy, prospering and<br>maintaining family integrity, encouraging the people of <br>Mekarmulyo Village to think more forward</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH PEMBERIAN BANTUAN SAPI PERAH TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PEREKONOMIAN KELUARGA (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan 28 Purwoasri Metro Utara) 2023-08-13T05:37:21+00:00 CATUR FUDJI RAHAYU <p>In Kelurahan 28 Purwoasri Metro Utara there is a <br>group of people who develop Lembu Poang dairy cows <br>which are the object of research. The group received <br>assistance from dairy cows provided by the city <br>government, and was accompanied by the Metro City <br>Peterakan office.This type of research is field research <br>conducted in Kelurahan 28 Purwoasri Metro Utara. The <br>nature of the research conducted is descriptive qualitative, <br>the data collection methods used are free guided <br>interviews, observation, and documentation. Interviews <br>were conducted with the Lembu Poang Dairy Farmer <br>Group and the Metro City Livestock Office. Data analysis <br>uses qualitative analysis techniques with inductive <br>thinking patterns.<br>Based on the results of the research conducted by the <br>researchers, it can be seen that the Effect of Providing <br>Dairy Cattle Assistance on Improving the Family <br>Economy in Kelurahan 28 Purwoasri Metro Utara, Based <br>on the analysis of chapter 4 it is concluded that, the results <br>of the provision of dairy cow assistance in Kelurahan 28 <br>Purwoasri Metro Utara, cause an increase in Family <br>Economic Improvement such as: Employment, Before <br>getting assistance from dairy cows the community in <br>Kelurahan 28 Purwoasri Metro North is as a farmer and <br>farm laborer, but since receiving the help of dairy cows <br>from the Metro city government, now people can <br>supplement their income from the sale of dairy milk <br>derived from these dairy cows. Education, In terms of <br>community education in kelurahan 28 Purwoasri Metro <br>Utara, now it is better for people who were originally only <br>junior secondary graduates.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam EFEKTIVITAS PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMBANGUNAN DESA MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (STUDI KASUS DESA SIDOHARJO KECAMATAN JATI AGUNG LAMPUNG SELATAN) 2023-08-13T05:28:04+00:00 Sugesti Firayanti <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas <br>pengelolaan dana desa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan desa, <br>faktor penghambat dalam pembangunan desa, dan pembangunan<br>desa dalam perspektif ekonomi islam. Metodologi penelitian yang<br>digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data<br>dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil<br>penelitian ini yaitu Efektivitas Pengelolaan Dana Desa di desa<br>Peniangan sebesar 80,87%, termasuk dalam kategori cukup <br>efektif. Faktor-faktor yang menghambat efektivitas pengelolaan <br>dana desa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan desa diantaranya <br>pembebasan lahan warga, tiang listrik, pohon-pohon besar dan <br>kendala cuaca. Efektivitas pengelolaan dana desa dalam <br>meningkatkan pembangunan desa menurut perspektif ekonomi <br>islam ada lima pondasi pembangunan islam. Pembangunan islam<br>menjelaskan lima pondasi yaitu tauhid, khalifah, keadilan, <br>tazkiyyah dan al-falah. Pembangunan desa erat kaitannya dengan <br>ekonomi islam yang bisa dikaitkan dengan tauhid, yaitu <br>pembangunan yang dilakukan ditujukan untuk memenuhi<br>kebutuhan masyarakat desa untuk membantu masyarakat dalam <br>melakukan aktivitas. Khalifah erat kaitannya dengan <br>pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh desa dengan tujuan <br>kesejahteraan masyarakat termasuk kedalam fungsi manusia <br>sebagai khalifah. Keadilan erat kaitannya dengan pembangunan <br>yaitu Pembangunan yang dilakukan di Desa Sidoharjotidak hanya <br>berfokus pada satu dusun saja, melainkan di setiap dusun. <br>Tazkiyyah berkaitan dengan pembangunan yang dilakukan desa <br>sebagai tanggungjawab pemerintah desa yang telah diberikan <br>amanah oleh pemerintah pusat.Dan Al-Falah berkaitan dengan <br>keberhasilan yang sudah dicapai oleh desa karena telah berhasil<br>melakukan pembangunan yang membawa kepada kesejahteraan<br>masyarakat</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IMPLEMENTASI PENGELOLAAN DANA DESA BUKIT RAYA KECAMATAN MARGA SEKAMPUNG LAMPUNG TIMUR 2023-08-13T05:23:37+00:00 Muhammad Romli <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui<br>Implementasi Pengelolaan dana desa Bukit Raya Kecamatan <br>Marga Sekampung Lampung Timur. Metodologi penelitian yang<br>digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data<br>dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil<br>penelitian ini yaitu Implementasi Pengelolaan Dana Desa di desa<br>Bukit Raya sebesar 80,87%, termasuk dalam kategori cukupbaik. <br>Faktor-faktor yang menghambat Implementasi pengelolaan dana<br>desa diantaranya pembebasan lahan warga, tiang listrik, pohonpohon besar dan kendala cuaca. Implementasi pengelolaan dana <br>desa dalam meningkatkan pembangunan desa menurut perspektif <br>ekonomi islam ada lima pondasi pembangunan islam.<br>Pembangunan islam menjelaskan lima pondasi yaitu tauhid, <br>khalifah, keadilan, tazkiyyah dan al-falah. Pembangunan desa erat <br>kaitannya dengan ekonomi islam yang bisa dikaitkan dengan <br>tauhid, yaitu pembangunan yang dilakukan ditujukan untuk<br>memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat desa untuk membantu<br>masyarakat dalam melakukan aktivitas. Khalifah erat kaitannya <br>dengan pembangunan yang dilakukan oleh desa dengan tujuan <br>kesejahteraan masyarakat termasuk kedalam fungsi manusia <br>sebagai khalifah. Keadilan erat kaitannya dengan pembangunan <br>yaitu Pembangunan yang dilakukan di Desa Bukit Raya tidak <br>hanya berfokus pada satu dusun saja, melainkan di setiap dusun. <br>Tazkiyyah berkaitan dengan pembangunan yang dilakukan desa <br>sebagai tanggungjawab pemerintah desa yang telah diberikan<br>amanah oleh pemerintah pusat. Dan Al-Falah berkaitan dengan <br>keberhasilan yang sudah dicapai oleh desa karena telah berhasil<br>melakukan pembangunan yang membawa kepada kesejahteraan<br>masyarakat</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERILAKU KONSUMSI MASYARAKAT DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM DI KELURAHAN SIDOMULYO LAMPUNG SELATAN 2023-08-13T05:19:48+00:00 Marwan <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui <br>dan menganalisis bagaimana pandangan Islam terhadap<br>perilaku konsumsi Masyarakat di Kelurahan Sidomulyo <br>Lampung Selatan.Jenis penelitian ini tergolong penelitian <br>kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan <br>adalah pendekatan studi etnografis dan normatif. Kemudian<br>teknik pengolahan dan analisis yang digunakan adalah <br>reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil<br>penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Perilaku konsumsi<br>masyarakat di Kelurahan Sidomulyo Lampung Selatan<br>tingkat ekonomi atas,untuk memenuhi kebutuhanya, sebagian<br>masyarakat masih belum menerapkan perilaku yang sesuai <br>dengan Islam, yaitu berperilaku tabzir (boros). Sedangkan<br>perilaku konsumsi masyarakat di Kelurahan Sidomulyo <br>Lampung Selatantingkat ekonomi menengah dan tingkat<br>ekonomi rendah dalam memenuhi seluruh kebutuhannya <br>sudah sangat baik. Karena telah mengkonsumsi sesuai etika <br>danprinsip konsumsi dalam Islam.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN SANTRI BERBASIS MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN WAKAFPRODUKTIF DI PESANTREN HIDAYATUL MUBTADIIN JATI AGUNG 2023-08-13T05:14:43+00:00 M. Budi Baroqah <p>This study aims to determine the management of waqf <br>management carried out at the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic <br>Boarding School and to analyze the productive waqf management<br>strategy in an effort to improve the welfare of the students at the <br>Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School. This research is a <br>field research, with a descriptive qualitative research type whose <br>explanation uses a description of the problem being studied. Data <br>collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, and <br>documentation. The data analysis technique used is to carry out the <br>stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and <br>examination of research conclusions. The results of this study<br>indicate that the management of productive waqf management at<br>the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School resulted ingood <br>development, many changes were produced after the management <br>of productive waqf. Management and development of productive <br>waqf is still not optimal, among others, caused by nadzir who is <br>less competent in managing and less capable in managing <br>productive waqf. The management of productive waqf management <br>is still not managed optimally, so it has not given a prominent effect <br>that is so pronounced in the changes in improving the welfare of<br>students.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PRAKTIK ZAKAT PERTANIAN PADA PETANI DESA PENIANGAN KECAMATAN MARGA SEKAMPUNG KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR 2023-08-13T05:08:52+00:00 Dita Rosella <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui praktik zakat pertanian <br>pada petani Desa Peniangan Kecamatan Marga Sekampung Kabupaten <br>Lampung Timur, dengan analisa menggunakan teori ekonomi Islam. Jenis <br>penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan <br>data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik uji <br>keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini <br>menunjukkan bahwa praktik zakat pertanian di desa ini telah terlaksana <br>meskipun belum maksimal. Petani mengeluarkan zakat pertanian berupa <br>tanaman padi saja dalam setahun sekali ke meunasah meskipun mengalami <br>panen dua kali. Di samping itu juga, ada perbedaan nisab dan takaran yang <br>digunakan. Dengan demikian, seharusnya adanya kebijakan yang lebih <br>tegas dari pihak-pihak yang bersangkutan sehingga di desa ini terbentuknya <br>Baitul Mal sebagaimana yang dicantumkan dalam Qanun Lampung sehingga <br>nisab serta takaran yang digunakan dapat seragam antara satu daerah dengan <br>daerah yang lain. Hal lainnya juga akan mempengaruhi pengumpulan dan<br>pendistribusian zakat pertanian menjadi lebih baik di desa ini.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IMPLEMENTASI WAKAF PRODUKTIF DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI SYARIAH (STUDI KASUS DI YAYASAN IBNI TAFDHILI KALIANDA LAMPUNG SELATAN) 2023-08-13T05:04:04+00:00 Agus Syuhendar <p>Wakat produktif menjadi salah satu sumber daya yang <br>harus dikelola dengan baik. Pengelolaan wakaf produktif terkait <br>dengan faktor pengembangan dan penyaluran hasil pengelolaan <br>wakaf. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Wakaf Produktif <br>Pada Yayasan Ibni Tafdhili Kalianda Lampung Selatan. Metode <br>penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis penelitian <br>ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field Research), yaitu melakukan <br>penelitian tentang wakaf produktif dalam perspektif hukum <br>ekonomi syariah di Ibni Tafdhili Kalianda Lampung Selatan. Hasil <br>penelitian: (a) Implementasi pengelolaan wakaf produktif secara <br>umum telah dilakukan dengan baik sesuai dengan aturan yang <br>berlaku oleh pengurus Ibni Tafdhili Kalianda Lampung Selatan<br>disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan peruntukannya sudah memenuhi <br>empat Rukun wakaf dan syaratnya, walaupun demikian, wakaf <br>tersebut ada yang diberikan langsung maupun tidak langsung <br>kepada pengurus yayasan. (b) Konsep pelaksanaan wakaf <br>produktif di Ibni Tafdhili Kalianda Lampung Selatan sudah sesuai <br>perspektif ekonomi syariah dengan tidak adanya penimbunan <br>barang (Ihtikar), tidak melakukan monopoli, juga tidak melakukan <br>jual beli yang diharamkan agama dengan menggunakan harta/aset <br>wakaf. Wakaf produktif yang dimiliki yayasan dipergunakan <br>untuk pembangunan sarana dan kegiatan ibadah, pembangunan <br>sarana pendidikan, belum digunakan untuk bantuan kepada fakir <br>miskin, anak terlantar, santunan yatim piatu dan peningkatan <br>ekonomi dan kesejateraan masyarakat.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam REALISASI DISTRIBUSI DANA WAKAF PRODUKTIF DI BMT MITRA DANA BAKTI SIDOMULYO LAMPUNG SELATAN 2023-08-13T04:56:09+00:00 Fauzi Amri <p>Menurut hukum Islam, wakaf ialah memberikan<br>sebagian harta yang dimiliki dengan tujuan dan perjanjian<br>tertentu yang telah disepakati oleh pengelola wakaf dan<br>dimanfaatkan sesuai dengan aturan Islam, benda wakaf yang <br>diberikan harus bersifat tahan lama seperti tanah, uang dan<br>lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini, jenis penelitian yang digunakan<br>adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan <br>deskripif analitis, yaitu penyajian data dalam bentuk tulisan<br>bukan bilangan atau angka statistik dan menerangkan apa <br>adanya sesuai dengan data yang diperoleh dari hasil <br>penelitian. Hasil penelitan menunjukan bahwa Terkait<br>realisasi distribusi dana wakaf uang BMT Dana Bakti <br>Sidomulyo Lampung Selatan diberikan kepada orang yang <br>membutuhkan dengan memiliki data orang yang berhak <br>mendapatkannya dan dengan adanya penyerahan proposal <br>dari cabang BMT Dana Bakti Sidomulyo Lampung Selatan<br>bagi lembaga pendidikan maupun pembangunan masjid dan <br>pembangunan mushalla. Dalam penyaluran dana wakaf<br>memiliki pembagian persentase, yaitu 20% disalurkan<br>untuk perekonomian berupa pembiayaan qard} al-ha} san,<br>25% disalurkan untuk pendidikan, 20% disalurkan untuk<br>kesehatan, 35% disalurkan untuk keagamaan dan sosial.<br>Distribusi dana wakaf uang BMT Dana Bakti Sidomulyo <br>Lampung Selatan berupa program penyaluran dana wakaf<br>yang sudah terlaksana semua, baik itu dalam bentuk<br>perekonomian, pendidikan, kesehatan, keagamaan, maupun <br>sosial. Program tersebut sudah disalurkan dengan baik serta<br>sangat membantu masyarakat sekitar BMT Dana Bakti <br>Sidomulyo Lampung Selatan. Wakaf uang yang diperoleh<br>BMT Dana Bakti Sidomulyo Lampung Selatan setiap tahunnya <br>terus bertambah, tetapi dalam penyaluran manfaatnya masih<br>kurang optimal.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam MEMBANGUN ENTREPRENEURSHIP DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI SYARIAH 2023-08-13T04:52:12+00:00 Abdi Dharmawan <p>penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode<br>penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskripif analitis, <br>yaitu penyajian data dalam bentuk tulisan bukan bilangan <br>atau angka statistik dan menerangkan apa adanya sesuai <br>dengan data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian.Hasil<br>penelitan menunjukan bahwa untuk membangun<br>kewirausahaan dalam perspektif ekonomi syariah adalah <br>menumbuhkan suatu karakter yang disiplin, mandiri, realistis, <br>komitmen, jujur, kreatif dan produktif untuk mewujudkan <br>suatu keuntungan yang dapat membawa keberkahan dan tetap<br>menjalani usahanya dengan memperhatikan kesimbangan <br>kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Dengan adanya karakterkarakter tersebut akan memberikan dampak pada seorang<br>entrepreneur untuk selalu menjaga usahanya dengan baik <br>dan tidak melakukan suatu kegiatan usaha yang merugikan <br>orang lain, seperti menghancurkan usaha orang lain dengan <br>cara yang bathil. Sehingga nantinya akan mencapai tujuan <br>hidup, yaitu tujuan untuk mencapai fallah dan maslahah. <br>Artinya, seorang entrepreneur memikirkan keberuntungan <br>jangka panjang baik dunia dan akhirat serta tidak<br>memandang material saja tetapi juga menandang spiritual.<br>Dengan demikian, seorang entrepreneur akan merasakan <br>tercapai dan terpenuhinya kebutuhan hidup secara seimbang<br>antara dunia dan akhirat.Melihat dari pencapaian tujuan di<br>atas, dapat dipahami bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara <br>entrepreneurship konvensional dengan syariah dari berbagai <br>aspek, yaitu: 1) aspek motif, dimana pada pada<br>entrepreneurship konvesional adalah kebutuhan, sedangkan<br>entrepreneurship syariah adalah Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah, 2)<br>aspek kepemilikan harta,dimana pada pada entrepreneurship<br>konvesional adalah harta milik individu, sedangkan<br>entrepreneurship syariah adalah harta milik Allah SWT, 3)<br>aspek distribusi, dimana pada pada entrepreneurship <br>konvesional adalah philantropy, sedangkan entrepreneurship <br>syariah adalah infaq fi sabilillah,Untuk itu, agar spirit<br>Ekonomi Syariah tentang entrepreneurship semakin bisa<br>dipahami dengan baik, maka ke depan perlu terus dilakukan <br>kajian dan penelitian terkait entrepreneurship dalam prespekif <br>Ekonomi Syariah betul-betul diimplementasikan dengan baik<br>di tengah-tengah masyarakat.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam MANAJEMEN DISTRIBUSI DANA WAKAF PRODUKTIF DI BMT FAJAR DI KALIANDA 2023-08-13T04:48:02+00:00 Ahmad Galang Pradana <p>Harta wakaf harus dikelola dengan baik untuk <br>diambil manfaatnya dan digunakan untuk kemaslahatan umat <br>dari pada didiamkan, sehingga pahala yang diperoleh bisa <br>mengalir secaraterus menerus kepada pemberi wakaf. Dalam<br>penelitian ini, jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode<br>penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskripif analitis, <br>yaitu penyajian data dalam bentuk tulisan bukan bilangan <br>atau angka statistik dan menerangkan apa adanya sesuai <br>dengan data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian.<br>Hasil penelitan menunjukan bahwa Terkait Manajemen<br>distribusi dana wakaf uang BMT Fajar diberikan kepada <br>orang yang membutuhkan dengan memiliki data orang yang <br>berhak mendapatkannya dan dengan adanya penyerahan <br>proposal dari cabang BMT Fajar bagi lembaga pendidikan <br>maupun pembangunan masjid dan pembangunan mushalla. <br>Dalam penyaluran dana wakaf memiliki pembagian<br>persentase, yaitu 20% disalurkan untuk perekonomian<br>berupa pembiayaan qard} al-ha} san, 25% disalurkan untuk<br>pendidikan, 20% disalurkan untuk kesehatan, 35% disalurkan <br>untuk keagamaan dan sosial. Distribusi dana wakaf uang <br>BMT Fajar berupa program penyaluran dana wakaf yang<br>sudah terlaksana semua, baik itu dalam bentuk perekonomian,<br>pendidikan, kesehatan, keagamaan, maupun sosial. Program <br>tersebut sudah disalurkan dengan baik serta sangat membantu <br>masyarakat sekitar BMT Fajar. Wakaf uang yang diperoleh<br>BMT Fajar setiap tahunnya terus bertambah, tetapi dalam <br>penyaluran manfaatnyamasih kurang optimal.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PEMBIAYAAN AKAD MUSYARAKAH MUTANAQISAH STUDI PADA BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI CABANG BANDAR JAYA 2023-08-13T04:43:39+00:00 Muhammad Miftah Falah <p>Musyarakah mutanaqisah is a form of cooperation <br>(shirkah) between banks and customers to jointly include <br>investment funds in the purchase of an asset <br>(house/apartment/sarusun). The Bank will release or <br>reduce the portion of its ownership to the customer by <br>receiving profit sharing in the form of ujrah payments to <br>which it is entitled, so that the ownership of the asset fully <br>transfers to the customer at maturity. The portion of bank <br>ownership decreases or decreases due to gradual takeovers <br>by customers. Mortgage financing products with <br>musyarakah mutanaqisah (Public Housing Credit) <br>contracts are a product to provide convenience to have a <br>house occupancy to meet customer needs in accordance <br>with Islamic law.<br>This research includes field research, while the nature of <br>this research is qualitative descriptive. This study used <br>interview and documentation data collection techniques. <br>The interview was conducted with the Bandar Jaya branch <br>of Bank Syariah Mandiri, namely the staff of the mortgage <br>financing marketing section, Customer service and Branch <br>Operation and Service Manager, while the documentation <br>was taken from the archives of Bank Syariah Mandiri <br>Bandar Jaya Branch related to research. There are two <br>sources of data for this study, namely primary data sources <br>and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are data <br>sources obtained by researchers from original sources, <br>while secondary data sources are materials or data that <br>complement primary data sources. Based on the results of <br>research, the mortgage financing mechanism with a <br>musyarakah mutanaqisah contract applies 4 stages, namely <br>the Customer submits a mortgage application with a <br>musyarakah mutanaqisah contract to the Bank then <br>Shirkkah on the portion of house ownership between the <br>portion of the Bank and the portion of the customer, the<br>House (which is the portion of the Bank) is rented in this <br>case to the customer, then the customer pays obligations or <br>installments to the Bank consisting of principal payment of <br>rent to gradually purchase the portion of Bank ownership <br>and ujrah payment, finally the distribution of customer <br>installment payments as follows: 1) The distribution of the <br>Bank's ratio is used to pay ujrah and is recognized as Bank <br>income. 2) The customer's ratio distribution is used to pay <br>for the decrease in the Bank's principal so that it will <br>increase the customer's ownership portion.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM PADA SEKTOR PERTANIAN DAN PENGOLAHAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH TAHUN 2016-2022 2023-08-13T06:22:47+00:00 Wahrudin <p>Economic growth is the economic improvement <br>of society that causes an increase in the production of <br>goods and services or naisonal income. Economic growth <br>is measured using the value-added indicator of Gross <br>Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on the basis of <br>constant prices in 2010. The economic growth of <br>Lampung Tengah Regency fluctuates and tends to decline <br>every year. The main sectors with great added value to <br>GRDP are the agricultural sector and the processing <br>industry sector.The formulation of this research problem <br>is how the influence of the agricultural sector on the <br>economic growth of Lampung Tengah Regency for the <br>2016-2022 period? How does the processing industry <br>sector affect the economic development of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency for the 2016-2022 period? How does the <br>agricultural sector and the processing industry sector <br>affect the economic growth of Lampung Tengah Regency <br>for the 2016-2022 period? And how do the agricultural <br>sector and the processing industry sector respond to <br>economic growth in an Islamic economic perspective?. <br>The purpose of this study is to find out how much <br>influence the agricultural sector and the processing <br>industry sector have on the economic growth of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency for the 2016-2022 period and describe it <br>from an Islamic economic perspective.This type of <br>research uses quantitative methods with descriptive <br>analysis.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Pengaruh Harga Barang Dan Modal Terhadap Pendapatan Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam 2023-08-13T04:35:15+00:00 Luthfiah Ayu Mukarromah <p>Harga sangat peting bagi perekonomian, karena harga<br>sangat berperan dalam bisnis dan usaha yang dijalankan. Dengan <br>kata lain tingkat harga yang ditetapkan mempengaruhi perputaran <br>barang yang dijual. Kuantitas barang yang dijual berpengaruh <br>terhadap biaya yang ditimbulkan dalam kaitanya dengan <br>pengadan barang bagi perusahaan dagang dan efisiensi produk <br>bagi perusahaan manufaktur Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian <br>lapangan (field research) yang bersifat deskriptif analisis sumber<br>data primer wawancara dan data sekunder yang relevan dengan <br>penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu<br>observasi, Angket/Kuesioner, Wawancara, Dokumentasi. Adapun <br>analisis data melalui analisis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan<br>berfikir deduktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah<br>dilakukan, bahwa harga dapst dilihat dari T hitung variabel Harga <br>barang (X1) berpengaruh tidak signifikan, harga barang tidak <br>memiliki kontribusi terhadap pendapatan pedagang. oleh karena <br>itu harga barang berpengaruh tidak berpengaruh terhadap <br>pendapatan, karena tidak semua konsumen membeli suatu barang <br>berdasarkan harga. Harga murah belum tentu konsumen tertarik, <br>karena setiap konsumen memiliki daya tarik yang berbeda-beda, <br>baik dari segi kualitas barang, merek barang. Dari hasil analisis <br>bahwa dari nilai T hitung bahwa variable (X2) yakni Modal<br>berpengaruh signifikan yakni memiliki kontribusi terhadap<br>pendapatan pedagang. Pengaruh harga barang dan modal secara<br>simultan terhadap pendapatan pedagang. dari hasil uji regresi <br>berganda diketahui bahwa variable harga barang dan modal <br>berpengaruh secara simultan dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan<br>pedagang.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI DALAM PERSEPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM PADA USAHA TANI KOPI DI MUARA JAYA II KECAMATAN KEBUN TEBU LAMPUNG BARAT TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023 2023-08-13T04:29:38+00:00 Bahru Rosyid <p>Coffee commodities have become a livelihood for <br>most people living in West Lampung. In general, in Muara <br>Jaya II, the production factors owned by farmers tend to be <br>limited while productivity must be increased. Production <br>factors owned and used in coffee farming efficiently. By <br>knowing the optimal use of production factors, maximum <br>profit can be achieved with the use of the smallest cost. The <br>formulation of the problem in this study is: What are the <br>factors that affect production in coffee farming? and what <br>is the view of Islamic economics on the factors affecting <br>production in coffee farming in Muara Jaya II, Sugarcane <br>Plantation District, West Lampung? This study aims to <br>know and analyze the factors that affect production in <br>coffee farming and to know and analyze Islamic economic <br>views on factors that affect production in farming.<br>This research is a field research with primary data and <br>secondary data. Data collection in this study used <br>observation, interview and documentation methods. The <br>analysis method used is qualitative analysis method.<br>The results showed that the factors that affect the <br>production of coffee farming in Muara Jaya II Village <br>include: Capital, labor, natural resources (SDA), and <br>entrepreneurs. In addition, according to the Islamic <br>economic view, among these production factors that are <br>very influential are capital factors where the capital used is <br>borrowed capital, so that the lending party takes <br>opportunities and benefits for themselves instead of mutual <br>benefits</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH HARGA BARANG DAN MODAL TERHADAP PENDAPATAN PEDAGANG DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (STUDI PADA PASAR BAMBU KUNING TRADE CENTER BANDAR LAMPUNG) 2023-08-13T04:23:27+00:00 Anggi Bastiansyah <p>The level of merchant income is basically <br>measured through the selling price and capital issued by <br>each business owner, each trader must of course be precise <br>in setting the price of their merchandise to be able to attract <br>consumers, because the price can also be adjusted to the <br>type of product material traded by them. On the other hand, <br>the state of the yellow bamboo market, which has been <br>declining for the last 5 years, has decreased the number of <br>visitors which certainly greatly affects the income of the <br>Yellow Bamboo Market traders Trade Center Bandar <br>Lampung, because with the pricing and the number of <br>visitors that have decreased, traders also find it difficult to <br>rotate their capital from the income they expect. The <br>formulation of the problem in this study is whether the <br>effect of the price of goods on the income of traders, <br>whether the influence of capital on the income of traders, <br>and whether the influence of simultaneous prices of goods <br>and capital on the income of traders in an Islamic <br>perspective. This research includes field research which is <br>descriptive analysis of primary data sources of interviews <br>and secondary data relevant to the research. The data <br>collection techniques used are observation, questionnaires/ <br>questionnaires, interviews, documentation. As for data <br>analysis through quantitative analysis with a deduction <br>thinking approach<br>Based on the results of research that has been carried out, <br>that the price can be seen from the variable T calculation <br>The price of goods (X1) has an insignificant effect, the <br>price of goods has no contribution to the income of traders. <br>Therefore, the price of goods has no effect on income, <br>because not all consumers buy an item based on price. Low <br>prices are not necessarily consumers interested, because <br><br>each consumer has a different attractiveness, both in terms <br>of the quality of the goods, the brand of the goods. From <br>the results of the analysis that from the value of T calculate <br>that the variable (X2) namely Capital has a significant <br>effect, namely having a contribution to the trader's income. <br>The simultaneous influence of the price of goods and <br>capital on the income of traders</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH KEBERADAAN PT.TEGUH WIBAWA BHAKTI PERSADA DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG UTARA DALAM MENGURANG TINGKAT PENGANGGURAN DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-13T04:09:45+00:00 Hifni Gustiawan <p>Production Costs and Selling Prices partially <br>against the Profit Level of the Banana Chips Home <br>Industry in Way Sulan District, South Lampung Regency? <br>And How does the effect of Production Costs and Selling <br>Prices partially on the Profit Level of the Banana Chips <br>Home Industry in Way Sulan District, South Lampung <br>Regency According to the Islamic Economic Perspective? <br>The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the <br>effect of Production Costs and Selling Prices partially on <br>the Profit Level of Banana Chips Home Industry in Way <br>Sulan District, South Lampung Regency and How the <br>effect of Production Costs and Selling Prices partially on <br>the Profit Level of Banana Chips Home Industry in Way <br>Sulan District, South Lampung Regency According to the <br>Islamic Economic Perspective. This type of research is <br>quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis <br>methods . Income is a very important thing in determining <br>the profit or loss of a business, the profit or loss is obtained <br>by comparing the income with the expenses or costs <br>incurred on the income. One of the main indicators of the <br>success of a business is the ability to obtain maximum <br>profit or profit. The development of SMEs in Indonesia if <br>traced from time to time experiences ups and downs, this <br>happens because the success that has been achieved by <br>SMEs has weak points that must be resolved immediately <br>including the lack of capital both in quantity and source, <br>lack of managerial ability and lack of operating skills in <br>organizing and limited marketing is a fundamental thing <br>always faced by all SMEs in starting a business venture to <br>be able to flower. The theory above explains that <br>Production Costs and Selling Prices are part of the <br>Revenue indicator, meaning that if the Production Costs<br>are efficient and the selling price is good, it will have a <br>positive effect on Revenue and affect profits or profits</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PEMBERIAN KOMPENSASI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA GURU MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-13T04:05:33+00:00 Nana Murdiana <p>Human resources have an important role in an <br>organization, the demands of the era of globalization and <br>the current era of free competition are expected that <br>organizations must have quality, innovative and creative <br>human resources. Because the organization is a network <br>and decision of the successors of policy and decision <br>making. Compensation is used as a benchmark of <br>performance with the aim of getting quality employees, <br>retaining employees and making a good contribution to the <br>organization<br>This study has two formulations of the problem, namely <br>whether the compensation given can improve the <br>performance of employees of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk <br>Betung and whether the compensation applied to <br>employees of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk Betung is in <br>accordance with Islamic Economics. While the purpose of <br>this study is to determine compensation in improving <br>performance given to teachers at SMP Taman Siswa Teluk <br>Betung, to find out the views of Islamic Economics <br>regarding compensation to teachers at SMP Taman Siswa <br>Teluk Betung Kota Bandar Lampung and to determine the <br>effect of compensation on teacher performance at SMP <br>Taman Siswa Teluk Betung<br>This study uses qualitative methods, which in a population <br>of 38 employees at SMP Taman Sisiwa Teluk Betung, the <br>determination of samples refers to the theory proposed by <br>Suharsimi Arikunto, data obtained from the results of <br>observation, interviews, and direct documentation with <br>respondents, then analyzed with qualitative methods for <br>the purpose of knowing the provision of compensation in <br>improving teacher performance according to the <br>perspective of Islamic economics<br>The results showed that compensation in improving <br>teacher performance can be said to be effective. influences <br>include; Teachers communicate well, are more responsible <br>with their work, teachers are more disciplined in carrying <br>out their duties, for better attendance.<br>The compensation given to the employees of Taman Siswa <br>Teluk Betung Junior High School is in accordance with <br>what is taught by Islamic Economic theories</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH BIAYA PRODUKSI DAN HARGA JUAL TERHADAP TINGKAT KEUNTUNGAN HOME INDUSTRY KRIPIK MENURUT PERSEPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-13T04:01:17+00:00 Nurul Istiqomah <p>Production Costs and Selling Prices partially <br>against the Profit Level of the Banana Chips Home <br>Industry in Way Sulan District, South Lampung Regency? <br>And How does the effect of Production Costs and Selling <br>Prices partially on the Profit Level of the Banana Chips <br>Home Industry in Way Sulan District, South Lampung <br>Regency According to the Islamic Economic Perspective? <br>The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the <br>effect of Production Costs and Selling Prices partially on <br>the Profit Level of Banana Chips Home Industry in Way <br>Sulan District, South Lampung Regency and How the <br>effect of Production Costs and Selling Prices partially on <br>the Profit Level of Banana Chips Home Industry in Way <br>Sulan District, South Lampung Regency According to the<br>Islamic Economic Perspective. This type of research is <br>quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis <br>methods . Income is a very important thing in determining <br>the profit or loss of a business, the profit or loss is obtained <br>by comparing the income with the expenses or costs <br>incurred on the income. One of the main indicators of the <br>success of a business is the ability to obtain maximum <br>profit or profit. The development of SMEs in Indonesia if <br>traced from time to time experiences ups and downs, this <br>happens because the success that has been achieved by <br>SMEs has weak points that must be resolved immediately <br>including the lack of capital both in quantity and source, <br>lack of managerial ability and lack of operating skills in <br>organizing and limited marketing is a fundamental thing <br>always faced by all SMEs in starting a business venture to <br>be able to flower. The theory above explains that <br>Production Costs and Selling Prices are part of the <br>Revenue indicator, meaning that if the Production Costs<br>are efficient and the selling price is good, it will have a <br>positive effect on Revenue and affect profits or profits</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI SYARIAH UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN PERTUMBUHAN SEKTOR PERTANIAN DAN ISDUSTRI DI TINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-13T03:53:02+00:00 Khoirul Afidati, <p>Islamic economic development has very basic <br>principles in life and the formation of a quality human <br>character, Islam bases economic development on the <br>formation of each individual which boils down to divinity <br>as control of every human act and action in the daily life <br>of bermu'amalah. Individuals who prioritize economic <br>change only by heeding their spirituality, then they still <br>deviate from the law of Allah Almighty, they do not get <br>the slightest benefit from the efforts they make. Islam <br>contains endeavors, struggles and movements towards <br>social change. Islam is also a definite view of life and <br>programs of activity. All of this is in the framework of the <br>reconstruction of society.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Analisis Pengaruh Sektor Industri Dan Sektor Pertanian Pengolahan Terhadap PDB (Pertumbuhan Ekonomi) Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Periode 2013-2019 Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam 2023-08-13T03:47:42+00:00 Handy Setiawan <p>All information about the formatting requirements is <br>contained in this document. Please review it carefully. You may use <br>the document as a template and copy/paste your paper content here –<br>this is probably the easiest option. Several styles have been included <br>in this template to facilitate formatting – you may find it easier to use <br>them instead of formatting each segment differently. Note that it is <br>important to adhere to the requirements exactly, as this will form the <br>camera-ready version that will be used to produce the Proceedings. <br>The limitations on the length of the document are as follows. The <br>word length is not more than 300 words, written in English.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Pengaruh Etika Profesi Akuntan Dan Independensi Auditor Terhadap Opini Audit Dalam Perspektif Islam (Studi Empiris Pada Kantor Akuntan Publik Zubaidi, Komaruddin) 2023-08-13T03:36:39+00:00 Eko Saputra <p>Lately, issues related to professional ethics in the <br>business world have begun to be discussed. In the case of <br>Enron occurred because of moral hazard behavior by the <br>company Enron and KAP Andersen. It is known that the <br>company manipulated financial statements by recording a <br>profit of 600 million US dollars even though the company <br>suffered a loss. Profit manipulation is caused by the <br>company's desire for shares to remain in demand by <br>investors. As a result of this scandal, the level of <br>stakeholder trust dropped dramatically, the Enron <br>company collapsed and KAP Andersen canceled its <br>operating license. And ethical research (accountants) in <br>Indonesia has also been widely conducted. However, this <br>research is still limited to the cognitive aspects of <br>accountants (related to ethical decision making). So when <br>giving an opinion depends on the independence factor. The <br>independence of auditors in their application will be <br>related to ethics. So based on the description above, the <br>author feels interested in raising this theme as the title of <br>his research.<br>The formulation of the problem of this study is to find out <br>how the influence of accounting professional ethics and <br>auditor independence on audit opinions and find out how <br>the Islamic perspective on accounting professional ethics. <br>The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of <br>accountant professional ethics and auditor independence <br>on audit opinions and review Islamic perspectives on <br>accounting professional ethics. This research was <br>conducted at Zubaidi Public Accounting Firm, <br>Komaruddin. In this study, the author uses quantitative<br>methods, namely research based on the philosophy of <br>positivism. And this research is descriptive analysis, which <br>aims to describe what is happening and in it there are <br>efforts to describe, record, analyze and interpret the <br>conditions that currently occur. Data sources in this study <br>were obtained from secondary and primary data. The <br>subjects in this study were 10 auditors.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN DI TINJAU DALAM PERSEPKTIF ISLAM DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN TAHUN 2020 2023-08-13T03:24:19+00:00 Hendro Muttaqim Setiawan <p>Economic growth is the activity of improving the <br>economy of society which leads to an increase in the <br>production of goods and services or naisonal income.<br>Economic growth is measured using value-added <br>indicators Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on <br>the basis of constant prices 2010.The economy of a region <br>can be seen from economic growth in a wayaggregate <br>calculated through the average GRDP value of theits <br>sectoral growth. Economic growth of Lampung Tengah <br>Regency fluctuates and tends to decline every year. Key <br>sectors with great added value to GRDP is the agricultural <br>sector and the sector Processing industry. Types of <br>research using quantitative methods with analysis<br>Descriptive. This research is a literature research using<br>secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency<br>of Lampung Regency Middle in 2011-2017. Data analysis <br>method using linear regression multiple with SPSS <br>statistical test tool. Simultaneous test results (F test), <br>agricultural sector and processing industry sector positive <br>and significant effect on the economic growth of the <br>District South Central 2011-2017 together and the result <br>of R Square The agricultural sector and the processing <br>industry sector had an influence of 86.9%. In the <br>perspective of Islamic economics, the agricultural sector <br>and the processing industry sector effect on economic <br>growth in the form of justice in distribution. In achieving <br>prosperity, governments and communities must cooperate <br>with each other and be responsible as Caliph for the duties <br>that given by Allah Almighty, carrying out all activities <br>based on the elements of Tawhid.</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH ETIKA PROFESI AKUNTAN DAN INDEPENDENSI AUDITOR TERHADAP OPINI AUDIT DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM 2023-08-07T08:49:09+00:00 Herlan <p>: Recently, issues related to professional ethics in <br>the business world have begun to be discussed. In Enron's <br>case it happened due to moral hazard behavior by Enron's <br>company and Andersen's public accountants. It is known <br>that the company manipulated financial statements by <br>recording a profit of 600 million US dollars even though <br>the company suffered a loss. The manipulation of profits <br>is due to the company's desire for shares to remain in <br>demand by investors. As a result of this scandal the level <br>of stakeholder trust dropped dramatically, the company <br>Enron kolap and KAP Andersen cancelled their operating <br>licenses. And ethical research (accountants) in Indonesia <br>has also been widely carried out. In this study, the author <br>used a quantitative method, namely research based on the <br>philosophy of positivism. And this study is descriptive <br>analysis, which aims to describe what is currently <br>happening and in it there are efforts to describe, record, <br>analyze and interpret the conditions that are currently <br>occurring. Based on the results of testing the ethics of the <br>accounting profession does not have a significant effect <br>on the audit opinion. Based on the regression results, it <br>can be seen that the ethical variable of the accountant <br>profession has a calculation of 0.690 with a significance <br>of 0.513. Based on the results of the auditor's <br>independence test, it does not have a significant influence <br>on the audit opinion.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI PERTANIAN DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-16T10:10:47+00:00 Indra Wahyudi <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pertumbuhan ekonomi <br>pertanian di Lampung Selatan. Penelitian dilakukan di Distributor <br>Sektor Pertanian di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil <br>penelitian di peroleh dapat disimpulkan: 1) Sektor pertanian yang <br>signifikan menunjukkan hubungan yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi, nilai sektor pertanian yang negatif menunjukkan hubungan <br>yang tidak searah dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Artinya, sektor <br>pertanian sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi karena sektor <br>pertanian merupakan sektor unggulan dengan pendapatan terbesar <br>PDRB Kabupaten Lampungselatan, namun setiap kenaikan sektor <br>pertanian akan menurunkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten <br>Lampung selatan; 2) Berdasarkan hasil uji signifikansi pada uji F, <br>sektor pertanian secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan <br>terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung selatanperiode <br>2018 hingga 2022. Berdasarkan uji R Square, sektor pertanian dan <br>industri pengolahan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi <br>sebesar 86,9%. Artinya, sektor pertanian dan sector industri <br>pengolahan secara bersama-sama akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung selatan.</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERKEMBANGAN EKONOMI INDONESIA DENGAN PERBANKAN SYARIAH 2023-08-17T13:58:17+00:00 Eko Suhari <p>The emergence of the Islamic finance industry could offer<br>a system of tools to promote social and economic <br>justice and stimulate economic development. This<br>research is aimed to examine causality relationship between<br>a rapid growth of the Islamic financial system and a<br>promising economic development in Indonesia. This<br>research used Granger cointegration test and causality test<br>with error correction term as a statistic procedure to test<br>causality relationship and mutually exclusive test between<br>Islamic Financial System and economic development in<br>Indonesia.<br>This research used quarterly time-series data from year<br>2005:1 – 2012:4. Islamic Bank Financing (IBFin) were the<br>proxy from financial sector. Another variable in this research<br>were real economic sector and the indicator were real Gross<br>Domestic Product (GDP). The data source were IB<br>publication , World Bank national account data and OECD <br>national accounts data file. Granger causality test were<br>developed to test inclution from the past in X variable.<br>This test can predict the present value from Y variable<br>(Granger, 1996).<br>The result suggest Islamic financial system were not<br>significantly affected to Indonesia’s economic development<br>in the short term. But positive economic development in<br>Indonesia significantly affected to Indonesia’s Islamic<br>financial system. The result also indicate cointegration<br>relationship between Islamic Financial System and economic<br>development in the long term manner</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERBANDINGANSISTEM EFISIENSI KINERJA KEUANGAN BANK SYARIAH DAN BANK KONVENSIONAL 2023-08-17T13:52:58+00:00 Triono <p>Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui Kinerja Keuangan. <br>Untuk mengetahui Kinerja Keuangan Bank konvensional.Untuk <br>mengetahui perbedaan antara kinerja keuangan bank syariah dan<br>bank konvensional.Untuk memperoleh data-data yang dibutuhkan<br>dalam penelitian ini digunakan riset lapangan yaitu dengan<br>memakai alat- alat pengumpulan data melalui observasi,<br>interview atau wawancara terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Data<br>yang diperoleh kemudian diolah dan dianalisis. Dalam penelitian <br>ini, digunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskripsi<br>analisis yaitu dengan mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian yang <br>diperoleh melalui wawancara terstruktur pada sumber penelitian. <br>Hasil penelitian kinerja keuangan adalah hasil kegiatan <br>operasioanl yang di sajikan dalam bentuk angka angka<br>keuangan.Hasil kegiatan peusahaan periode sekarang harus<br>dibandingkan dengan kinerja keuangan pada masa lalu, anggaran<br>neraca dan laba rugi rata rata kinerja keuangan perusahhan <br>sejenis. Menurut kasmir kinerja keuangan bank merupakan<br>ukuran keberhasilan bagi direksi bank tersebut, sehingga<br>apabila bank tersebut buruk maka tidak mungkin para dereksi <br>ini diganti. Tujian penilaian kinerja perusahaahn menurut <br>manawir sebagai berikut:Untuk menegetahui faktor likuiditas <br>yaitu kemampuan perusaahan untuk memperoleh kewajiban<br>keuanganya yang harus segera di penuhi atau kemempuan<br>perusahhan untuk memenuhi keuanganya pada saat ditagihUntuk<br>mengetahui tingkat solvabilitas, yaitu kemapuan perusahhan<br>untuk memenuhi kewajiban keuanganya apabila perusahaan <br>tersebut dilikuidasi baik kewajiban keuangan jangka pendek <br>maupun jangkapanjang.Untuk mengetahui tingkat retabilitas dan<br>profitabilitas, menunjukan kemapuan perusahhan untuk <br>menghadilkan laba selama priodetertentu.Untuk mengetahui<br>tingkat stabilitas usaha, yaitu kemampuan perusahaan untuk <br>melakukan usahanya dengan stabil yaitu di ukur dengan <br>mempertimbangkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk membayar</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENERAPAN ETIKA BISNIS ISLAM DALAM JUAL BELI TANAMAN HIAS 2023-08-17T13:45:43+00:00 Wahida <p>Menurut pandangan Islam, jual beli tanaman hias<br>dikatakan sah karena memenuhi syarat dan rukun jual beli, yaitu <br>akad (ijab), adanya penjual dan pembeli, ma' kud alaih (objek<br>akad) barang yang dijual, dan syarat-syaratnya: syarat aqid, syarat<br>sighat, dan ma'qud 'alaih. Praktik penjualan di Karangandong Flora<br>Center menggunakan jual beli barang berwujud (tatap muka), atau<br>ketika para pihak dalam transaksi hadir saat merundingkan syaratsyarat perjanjian jual beli barang berwujud. Di Karangandong<br>Flora Center disana terdapat transaksi jual beli, dimana lokasinya<br>sangat padat dengan penjual tanaman hias. Tidak heran jika<br>kemungkinan terjadi persaingan. Oleh karena itu, etika bisnis<br>Islami harus diterapkan untuk menghindari kecurangan dan<br>persaingan dalam jual beli tanaman hias tersebut agar bisnis yang <br>dijalankan sesuai dengan etika bisnis Islam. Etika bisnis Islami <br>adalah prinsip-prinsip moral untuk menjalankan bisnis yang sejalan<br>dengan prinsip-prinsip Islam. Kajian semacam ini adalah penelitian<br>lapangan. Observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi digunakan<br>sebagai metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian kualitatif ini<br>dengan analisis deskriptif. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa<br>penggunaan etika bisnis yang ada di Karangandong Flora Center<br>mengikuti pedoman etika bisnis Islam, yang mana didalamnya <br>terdapat tauhid, keseimbangan, kehendak bebas, tanggungjawab,<br>dan kebenaran.</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PRESPEKTIF PINJAMAN ONLINE YANG BERBUNGA DALAM HUKUM ISLAM 2023-08-17T13:39:33+00:00 Tusama Salsabila <p>Online loans or what we are more familiar with <br>with pinjol, have been very popular among the people of<br>Indonesia. Be it legal or illegal. It is undeniable, this is in line <br>with the pace of rapid development of the times and<br>increasingly rapid technological innovation. The<br>disbursement of funds is also very easy and fast, there is no<br>need to wait a long time, the funds we need can be disbursed<br>immediately in less than 24 hours. Pinjol users themselves<br>come from various circles with diverse needs. Not only that,<br>the borrowing process is very easy, without having to meet the<br>funds will still be accepted by the borrower. Therefore,<br>today's borrowing users are very many, especially coupled <br>with technology that is growing day by day and its users are<br>almost from all walks of life. Thus, the purpose of this study is<br>to examine more deeply about the practices in it, one of which<br>is usury. This research will refer to the laws contained in the<br>Qur'an, and will be explained in more detail with <br>interpretation</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam TINJAUAN DARI PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI SYARIAH TERHADAP MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEAN 2023-08-17T13:33:26+00:00 Nur Riski Utami <p>Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) akan mengubah ASEAN<br>menjadi kawasan dengan pergerakan bebas barang, jasa,<br>investasi, tenaga kerja terampil, dan arus modal yang bebas.<br>Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN akan menjadi kekuatan<br>pendorong integrasi ekonomi di negara-negara ASEAN, dan<br>antara negara-negara ASEAN dan seluruh dunia. Banyak yang<br>percaya integrasi ekonomi akan mewujudkan kerangka ASEAN<br>sebagai pasar tunggal dan basis produksi, untuk meningkatkan<br>daya saing ekonomi nasional dan kawasan, untuk mendukung<br>pembangunan ekonomi yang lebih merata, dan sebagai batu <br>loncatan menuju integrasi penuh ke dalam ekonomi global.<br>Komitmen implementasi blueprint AEC oleh negara-negara <br>anggota ASEAN dan para pemangku kepentingan ekonomi <br>syariah akan menjadi peran penting untuk mencapai tujuan<br>Visi, Misi, dan Target ASEAN.<br>The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will transform<br>ASEAN into a region with free movement of goods, services,<br>investment, skilled labor, and free flow of capital. ASEAN <br>Economic Community will be the driving force of economic<br>integration within ASEAN countries, and between ASEAN<br>countries and the rest of the world. Many believe the economic<br>JURNAL AZ ZAHRA: JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM<br>(AZ ZAHRA JOURNAL: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS)<br>Home Page:<br>integration will realize the ASEAN framework as a single market<br>and production base, to increase competitive economic national<br>and region, to support more equitable economic development, <br>and as a stepping stone toward full integration into the global <br>economy. Commitments of the implementation of AEC<br>Blueprint by ASEAN member countries and the sharia<br>economic stakeholders will be a crucial role to achieve the <br>objective of the ASEAN Vision, Mission, and Targets.</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam STRATEGIS BANK SYARIAH INDONESIA DALAM EKONOMI SYARIAH DI INDONESIA 2023-08-17T13:27:00+00:00 Mustofa <p>Peningkatan kesadaran gaya hidup halal baik dalam sektor riil<br>maupun keuangan mendorong perkembangan ekonomi dan keuangan<br>syariah di Indonesia pada khususnya dan dunia pada umumnya di atas<br>rata-rata industri keuangan. Pada tahun 2020, saat kondisi pandemi<br>covid-19 menyebabkan kontraksi pada sebagian besar industri di<br>dunia, ekonomi dan keuangan syariah tetap tumbuh positif. <br>Momentum ini dimanfaatkan Pemerintah RI untuk meningkatkan peran<br>ekonomi dan keuangan syariah dalam perekonomian nasional.<br>Penggabungan tiga bank syariah anak perusahaan bank BUMN yaitu <br>Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank BRI Syariah, dan Bank BNI Syariah<br>menjadi Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) diharapkan memberikan<br>dampak penguatan bagi rantai nilai ekonomi syariah di Indonesia. <br>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran strategis keberadaan <br>Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) terhadap ekonomi syariah di Indonesia.<br>Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain <br>penelitian studi pustaka. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan <br>analisis konten pada dokumen, artikel, jurnal, atau laporan. Hasil<br>penelitian menyatakan bahwa penggabungan Bank Syariah Mandiri,<br>Bank BRI Syariah, dan Bank BNI Syariah menjadi Bank Syariah <br>Indonesia (BSI) memiliki peran strategis bagi ekonomi syariah di<br>Indonesia. Peran strategis tersebut dapat dilihat dari dua perspektif. <br>Peran strategis yang pertama berkaitan dengan peran penguatan<br>muamalah syariah di Indonesia yang memungkinkan pengembangan<br>pasar dan peningkatan akses ekonomi dan keuangan syariah sehingga <br>mengurangi potensi riba, gharar, dan dhalim dalam muamalah di<br>Indonesia. Peran strategis kedua adalah terkait penguatan ekonomi<br>nasional yang disebabkan oleh perkembangan modal dan dana dari<br>Bank Syariah Nasional yang mampu meningkatkan pembiayaan dalam<br>usaha dan pembangunan nasioanl.</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam KONDISI EKONOMI SYARIAH DI INDONESIA PASCA MERGERNYA BANK SYARIAH BUMN 2023-08-17T13:21:10+00:00 Adi Irawan <p>Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. With<br>this amount, of course, it should be a capital for economic<br>strength. However, as of November 2020, data released by<br>the Financial Services Authority put the Islamic banking market<br>share at 6.33%. Efforts to merge the three state-owned Sharia<br>banks into Indonesian Sharia Banks are expected to increase the <br>penetration of the sharia economy in Indonesia, which is still far <br>behind when compared to conventional domestic economic<br>movements and Islamic financial transactions in other countries.<br>This research will describe the extent of the sharia economic <br>conditions in Indonesia after the merger of state-owned sharia<br>banks into BSI. This study uses a qualitative method with a type<br>of literature review research which is obtained from various<br>authentic sources such as books, articles, journals and trusted<br>websites. There was a 2.7% increase in the market share of <br>Islamic banks after the merger. This increase when compared to<br>the existing potential and the market is still very small. However,<br>it is hoped that this impact will continue to increase over time,<br>especially as capital support for various financial sectors and the <br>halal industry in the country</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH TERHADAP JUAL BELI MELALUI MEDIA ONLINE DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA 2023-08-17T13:13:40+00:00 Billi Sadam Husein <p>Purpose: This study aims to find out (1) students think about<br>buying and selling online and (2) how Islamic sharia economic<br>analysis of buying and selling through online media among <br>students. Method: Field research is used with a qualitative <br>approach to explaining the actual state of research that <br>produces descriptive data in the form of observed words and<br>behavior. The results of the study were analyzed by the <br>deductive method, which starts with general facts and then ends <br>with a special conclusion. Finding: first, online sellers and<br>buyers feel the benefits of online media that are very easy,<br>practical, time-saving, cheaper, and do not require capital for<br>online sellers. Second, buying and selling meet directly between the<br>seller and the buyer. However, according to the development of the<br>era of buying and selling through online media, including aspects <br>of muamalah which basically are permissible (permissible) unless<br>there is an argument that forbids them..</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PANDANGAN EKONOMI SYARIAH ISLAM TERHADAP PEMBAYARAN PAYLATER 2023-08-17T13:07:24+00:00 Danny Meilan <p>Di era digital saat ini, muncul fenomena pembayaran PayLater. Konsep <br>utama fitur pembayaran PayLater adalah “beli sekarang, bayar nanti”. <br>Jual beli dengan cara ini dimana konsumen (pembeli) <br>membeli/mengambil barang dari penjual, maka pada akhir jangka waktu <br>tertentu yang disepakati bersama, akan dibayarkan seluruhnya. Inilah <br>yang disebut jual beli Istijrar. Para ulama berbeda pendapat, jika <br>harganya tidak diketahui oleh pembeli ketika membeli/mengambil <br>barang, dan pembeli baru mengetahui harganya setelah dijumlahkan di <br>akhir ketika hendak melakukan pembayaran, maka jual beli itu dilarang. <br>Ini adalah pendapat ulama jamahir (hampir semua ulama) dari 4 <br>madzhab. Namun, jual beli akan sah dan diperbolehkan selama ada <br>harga pasar (as-Si'rul Mitsl) yang berlaku umum. Ini adalah salah satu <br>pendapat ulama syafiiyah, salah satu riwayat dalam mazhab Hambali, <br>dan pendapat yang dipilih oleh Ibnu Taimiyyah dan Ibnu Qoyim. <br>Sehingga Istijar atau PayLater diperbolehkan dimana harga ditentukan <br>setelah semua transaksi jual beli dilakukan relevan dengan ekonomi <br>Islam dengan syarat-syarat tertentu. Fitur PayLater adalah<br>popularitasnya meningkat pesat karena kemajuan teknologi sistem <br>pembayaran dalam e-commerce (belanja online). Kami sangat perlu <br>mempertimbangkan kami ketika ingin memanfaatkan kemudahan fitur <br>ini. Selain mudah, PayLater tidak memerlukan jaminan khusus sehingga <br>fitur PayLater banyak diminati. Namun, jangan biarkan kami seiring <br>manusia menjadi terlena dan tergila-gila dalam menggunakannya <br>sehingga kita menjadi konsumtif (boros) bahkan sampai terlilit utang <br>saat berbelanja via online (belanja online). Jadi, sisi positif dari <br>PayLater juga perlu diimbangi pemahaman tentang potensi risiko yang <br>dapat ditimbulkannya. Oleh karena itu, sebelum menggunakan fasilitas <br>PayLater, konsumen (pembeli) harus mempertimbangkan kebutuhan <br>dan keinginannya sesuai dengan kemampuannya</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam BISNIS JUAL BELI ONLINE (ONLINE SHOP) DALAM PRESPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM DAN HUKUM NEGARA 2023-08-17T12:59:10+00:00 Nurdin Hidayat <p>This study aims to find out about online shop (online<br>business shop) in Islamic view (Islamic law). This research is<br>qualitative descriptive. This study included literature to examine<br>the written sources such as scientific journals, books referesni,<br>literature, encyclopedias, scientific articles, scientific papers and<br>other sources that are relevant and related to the object being<br>studied. As for the object of study of this research is in the form<br>of texts or writings that describe and explain about the business /<br>online shop (online shopping), which become popular in<br>Indonesia. Results from this study is Islam do business through<br>online is allowed in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. While there <br>are elements of usury, injustice, menopoli and fraud. Prophet<br>hinted that buying and selling is lawful while consensual<br>(Antaradhin), for sale or through an online business as having a<br>positive impact because it is practical, fast, and easy for the<br>buyer. If the business by via online not in accordance with the<br>terms and conditions described above, online business is not<br>allowed.</p> 2023-08-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH OBJEKTIVITAS DAN PENGALAMAN AUDITOR TERHADAPKUALITAS AUDIT 2023-08-16T10:16:06+00:00 Andi Zulkarnain <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji Pengaruh Objektivitas<br>Auditor (X1) dan Pengalaman (X2) terhadap Kualitas Audit (Y). <br>Responden pada penelitian ini yaitu para auditor yang bertugas di KAP <br>Jakarta. Penelitian ini mempergunakan studi kasual dengan pendekatan <br>kuantitatif. Datanya dikumpulkan melalui pernyataan di uji melalui dua <br>tahapan, yakni uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas pada tiap item <br>pernyataan. Analisis datanya dilakukan dengan Analisa regresi linear <br>berganda. Datanya dikumpulkan dari kuesioner dengan teknik<br>conventional sampling sebanyak 50 responden. Hasil penelitian ini<br>menunjukan jika Objektivitas Auditor (X1) dan Pengalaman (X2)<br>secara bersamaan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap <br>Kualitas Audit (Y). Variabel Objektivitas Auditor (X1) secara <br>individual mempunyai pengaruh yang positif secara signifikan terhadap <br>Kualitas Audit (Y), sedangkan variabel Pengalaman (X2) secara<br>individual tidak memberikan pengaruh negatif secara signifikan <br>terhadap Kualitas Audit (Y).</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Sebuah Konsep dan Upaya) 2023-08-07T08:45:27+00:00 Mulyadi <p>Islam has taught its followers to try to get a <br>good life in this world and in the hereafter in order to <br>achieve well-being both physically and spiritually. <br>Therefore no exaggeration to Islam as a religion can also <br>be said of empowerment, which seeks to empower <br>believers to live a well-balanced between the needs of the <br>duniawi and ukhrawi. So far the Indonesian Islamic <br>community, especially as the majority of people, is still <br>too far away from all the advantages when compared with <br>people in other countries, especially countries which are <br>some of the western Christian, especially the <br>economy. Even very unfortunate, in Islamic societies has <br>occurred which led to economic inequality of wealth <br>circulation only rotates in a group of bourgeois alone. <br>This fact calls for economic empowerment efforts are <br>systematic and continuous to deliver economically <br>egalitarian society and circulation of wealth can be <br>enjoyed by society equally. Therefore, the necessary <br>breakthroughs or empowerment methods that hit. This <br>paper will explain how the efforts and strategies of <br>community economic empowerment in the Islamic perspective.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH MODAL TERHADAP PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (STUDI PADA PERUSAHAAN PROPERTI DI SIDOMULYO) 2023-08-16T10:05:45+00:00 Isma Widi <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh modal <br>terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja dalam perspektif islam. Penelitian <br>dilakukan di perusahaan poperti sidomulyon di Kabupaten Lampung <br>Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di peroleh dapat disimpulkan: 1) <br>bahwa variabel modal memiliki kontribusi terhadap Penyerapan <br>Tenaga Kerja. Hal ini karena ketika modal bertambah maka pengusaha <br>akan menambah produksinya yang mengakibatkan perlunya tambahan <br>tenaga kerja baru. Penambahan modal juga dapat berupa penambahan <br>unit usaha yang akan menyerap tenagakerja; 2) Upah tidak memilki <br>kontribusi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja. Variabel upah secara <br>parsial tidak memilki pengaruh signifikansi terhadap penyerapan <br>tenaga kerja; 3) Upah dan modal secara bersamaan atau simultan <br>berepengaruh signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja. Uji <br>Koefisien Determinasi (R2<br>) diperoleh nilai koefisien determinan (R2<br>) <br>hanya sebesar 0,221. Pengaruh antara upah dan modal terhadap <br>penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 22,1% dan sisanya 76,4% dipengaruhi <br>oleh faktor-faktor lain selain modal danupah; 4) Dalam Ekonomi Islam <br>modal termasuk dalam fiqih disebut ra’sul mal yang merujuk pada arti <br>uang dan barang. Islam menyediakan bisnis alternatif yaitu <br>mudharabah, musyarakah, dan lain-lain.</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR (PERBAIKAN JALAN) JALAN RAYA PASAR SIDOMULYO TERHADAP EKONOMI MASYARAKAT SEKITAR 2023-08-16T09:59:35+00:00 Mian <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji Pengaruh Objektivitas<br>Auditor (X1) dan Pengalaman (X2) terhadap Kualitas Audit (Y). Responden <br>pada penelitian ini yaitu para auditor yang bertugas di KAP Jakarta. Penelitian <br>ini mempergunakan studi kasual dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Datanya <br>dikumpulkan melalui pernyataan di uji melalui dua tahapan, yakni uji validitas <br>dan uji reliabilitas pada tiap item pernyataan. Analisis datanya dilakukan <br>dengan Analisa regresi linear berganda. Datanya dikumpulkan dari kuesioner<br>dengan teknik conventional sampling sebanyak 50 responden. Hasil penelitian<br>ini menunjukan jika Objektivitas Auditor (X1) dan Pengalaman (X2) secara<br>bersamaan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Kualitas <br>Audit (Y). Variabel Objektivitas Auditor (X1) secara individual mempunyai<br>pengaruh yang positif secara signifikan terhadap Kualitas Audit (Y), <br>sedangkan variabel Pengalaman (X2) secara individual tidak memberikan <br>pengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap Kualitas Audit (Y</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Analisis Sterategi Pengembangan Sektor Pertanian Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Study Pada Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Lampung Tengah) 2023-08-16T08:06:59+00:00 Melin Cahyani Melincahyani555@gmail.c <p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis <br>pengembangan sector pertanian dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. <br>Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Lampung <br>Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunkan penelitian kualititaf.<br>Berdasarkan uraian dan analisis yang telah penulis lakukan, maka <br>dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Dalam pelaksanaan program <br>yang di lakukan oleh Dinas Pertanain sudah cukup baik. Hal <br>tersebut terlihat dari adanya pelatiahan yang diadakan setiap bulannya oleh Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Lampung Tengah yang <br>dihadiri oleh kelompok petani binaan; 2) Peningkatan pendapatan <br>petani dengan peningkatan nilai tambah produk tanaman pangan <br>melalui penerapan teknologi pasca panen. Peningkatan <br>kelembagaan petani melalui pengembangan sektor pertanian <br>tanaman pangan. Peningkatan pendapatan petani melalui efisiensi <br>hasil pertanian; 3) Peningkatan kemampuan dan keahlian tenaga <br>teknis melalui peningkatan pendidikan dan pelatihan sehingga terbentuk tenaga teknis professional. Peningkatan kemampuan <br>wawasan dan skill petani melalui pelatihan dan magang untuk <br>membentuk petani yang maju/ modern, seperti peningkatan sarana <br>dan perasarana informasi yang dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh <br>petugas petani</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Analisis Sterategi Pengembangan Pada Sektor Pertanian Di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan 2023-08-16T07:56:28+00:00 Rahmat Hidayat Rahmatthidayatt354@gmail.c <p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis <br>pengembangan sector pertanian dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. <br>Penelitian ini dilakukan di Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Lampung <br>Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunkan penelitian kualititaf. Pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi suatu wilayah bergantung kepada permintaan dari luar <br>wilayah terhadap produk-produk dari dalam wilayah itu sendiri, <br>sehingga sektor/komoditi yang memiliki keunggulan komparatif <br>dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi wilayah terkait. Guna <br>menunjang pembangunan suatu wilayah, maka diperlukan identifikasi <br>komoditas-komoditas unggulan pertanian sebagaiarahan prioritasi <br>pengembangan yang menjadi dasar perumusan strategi pembangunan <br>wilayah. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan bidang <br>ekonomi pertanian dan literatureyang terkait serta pengamatan <br>terhadap fenomena sektor Pertanian terhadap Perekonomian negara <br>dan daerah. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kajian dan analisis ini <br>adalah bahwa Keberadaan sektor pertanian dalam pembangunan <br>perekonomian masih dianggap sebagai sektor pasif dan sekadar <br>menjadi elemen penunjang sebagai input bagi sektor lain terutama <br>sektor industri serta perdagangan dan jasa. Akan tetapi, hal tersebut <br>juga dapat menjadi peluang serta tantangan bagi sektor pertanian <br>untuk berkembang pesat dan meningkatkan daya saingnya. <br>Meskipun sektor pertanian pada suatu wilayah bukan merupakan <br>sektor unggulan, bukan berarti sektor pertanian dapat <br>dikesampingkan karena perannya yang penting dalam proses <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi dan erat kaitannya dengan ketahanan pangan, <br>serapan tenaga kerja, sumber bahan baku industri, dan sumber <br>pendapatan masyarakat yang kemudian berdampak pada pertumbuhan <br>perekonomian suatu wilayah</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERANAN KELOMPOK WANITA TANI SEKAR KANTIL DALAM MENINGKATKAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DI WAY SULAN KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH 2023-08-16T07:43:43+00:00 Rohim <p>eran wanita dalam pertanian termasuk dalam ketahanan <br>pangan dan gizi keluarga. Ketahanan pangan dapat mengembangkan <br>kelembagaan dan pengelolaan usaha pangan bagi wanita tani, sehingga <br>wanita harus pandai mengatur, mengelola penghasilan yang relatif rendah<br>agar mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga terutama sandang pangan agar <br>mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup spirituil dan materiil yang layak, <br>bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, memiliki hubungan yang <br>serasi, selaras dan seimbang antar anggota dan antara keluarga <br>dengan masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan <br>untuk melihat peranan kelompok wanita tani sekar kantil dalam <br>meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat di way sulan lampung selatan. <br>Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualititif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di <br>Desa Way Sulan Kecamatan Way Sulan Kabupaten Tanggamus. <br>Berdasarkan uraian pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Berdasarkan <br>pemaparan terkait penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa<br>peranan Kelompok Wanita Tani Sekar Kantil dalam meningkatkan <br>ekonomi masyarakat DesA Way Sulan, Kecamatan Way Sulan, <br>Kabupaten Lampung Selatan telah memberikan lapangan pekerjaan baru<br>bagi masyarakat, meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat, menciptakan<br>kemudahan bagi masyarakat dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari-hari,<br>terciptanya pembagian pendapatan yang adil, dan terciptanya perubahan<br>struktur perekonomian masyarakat dari sebelumnya bekerja sebagai petani<br>atau peternak, kinimulai merambah ke bidang usaha atau home industry</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN PADA SEKTOR INDUSTRI BARANG KONSUMSI PADA DAFTAR EFEK SYARIAH TAHUN 2021-2022 2023-08-16T07:39:52+00:00 Saiful Imam <p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat kebijakan dividen <br>pada sektor industri barang konsumsi pada daftar efek syariah. Penelitian <br>ini menggunakan metode kualititif. Dari hasil pengolahan data dan <br>analisis data dalam penelitian Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri <br>Barang Konsumsi Yang Terdaftar di Daftar Efek Syariah dapat <br>disimpulkan bahwa: Dari hasil pengolahan data dan analisis data dalam <br>dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Daftar Efek Syariah yang merupakan penerbit <br>saham syariah yang melakukan kegiatan sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. <br>Prinsip dari (Daftar Efek Syariah) DES sendiri yaitu melakukan <br>pembiayaan dan investasi hanya pada kegiatan usaha yang halal, kegiatan <br>yang bermanfaat yang dapat dilakukan proses bagi hasil atas manfaat yang <br>didapatkan, uang yang dibagikan sebagai hasil harus sama dengan mata <br>uang yang digunakan untuk investasi, keyakinan yang dimiliki oleh <br>investor dan emiten atas akad yang dilakukan, tidak boleh mengambil <br>resiko yang melebihi kemampuan (maysir) yang dapat menimbulkan <br>kerugian, Daftar Efek Syariah yang merupakan penerbit saham syariah <br>menentang beberapa kegiatan usaha yang dengan jelas tidak sesuai dengan <br>prinsip syariah seperti: 1) Usaha perjudian dan permainan yang tergolong <br>judi atau perdagangan yang dilarang; 2) Usaha lembaga keuangan <br>konvensional (ribawi) termasuk perbankan dan asuransi konvensional; 3)<br>Usaha yang memproduksi, mendistribusi serta menyedia</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH BIAYA AGENSI TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN” (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Yang Terdaftar di Daftar Efek Syariah Tahun 2021-2022) 2023-08-16T07:35:52+00:00 Syahrul Mubarok <p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat pengaruh agensi <br>terhadap kebijakan dividen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <br>kualititif. Dari hasil pengolahan data dan analisis data dalam penelitian <br>Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Yang Terdaftar <br>di Daftar Efek Syariah Tahun 2020-2021, dapat disimpulkan bahwa:<br>Semakin besar kepemilikan saham institusional maka Kebijakan Dividen<br>yang ditetapkan akan semakin besar. Keberadaan pemilik institusional <br>diharapkan mampu melaksanakan fungsi monitoring yang efektif terhadap <br>manajemen perusahaan. Semakin sedikit dividen yang dibagikan karena <br>adanya manajer yang merangkap menjadi pemegang saham membuat <br>perusahaan menjadi lebih berhati-hati dalam bertindak dan mengambil<br>keputusan. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa semakin menyebarnya pemegang <br>saham mengakibatkan kesulitan pengawasan terhadap kinerja perusahaan, <br>dan salah satu alternatif yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah <br>tersebut adalah dengan membayar dividen, sehingga akan memperkecil <br>jumlah laba yang ditahan.</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam SEKTOR PERTANIAN UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI REGIONAL LAMPUNG 2023-08-16T07:30:59+00:00 Wildan Alif wildan6233@gmai.vom <p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat sector ekonomi <br>untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi regional lampung. Dari hasil analisis <br>penelitian dan pembahasan terhadap data yang diperoleh dalam dapat <br>disimpulkan: 1) Berdasarkan hasil uji signifikansi pada uji T, sektor <br>industri makanan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan <br>terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabuapten Lampung Selatan. Sektor <br>industri makanan yang signifikan menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang <br>mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi; 2) Berdasarkan hasil uji signifikansi pada uji F, sektor pertanian dan sektor industri makanan secara simultan <br>berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi <br>Kabupaten lampung selatan periode 2018 hingga 2022. Berdasarkan uji R <br>Square, sektor pertanian dan industri makanan berpengaruh terhadap <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 86,9%. Artinya, sektor pertanian dan sektor <br>industri makanan secara bersama-sama akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, setiap kenaikan nilai sektor <br>pertanian dan industri makanan akan meningkatakan pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Selatan; 3) Dalam perspektif ekonomi <br>Islam pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat diciptakan melalui keadilan dalam <br>distribusi ekonomi yang merupakan hasil kerja dan tanggung jawab <br>seluruh elemen masayarakat dan pemerintah sebagai Khalifah yang diutus <br>Allah SWT. sebagai pengelola bumi dan pelaku ekonomi dalam <br>membangun kesejahteraan. Masyarakat dan pemerintah harus menciptakan keadilan distribusi dan mempersempit kesenjangan ekonomi <br>dengan prinsip tauhid, kasab dan amana.</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PEMBERIAN KOMPENSASI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA GURU MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-16T07:26:47+00:00 Yosila Oktari <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemberian <br>konpensasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru melalui perspektif Islam. <br>Penelitian ini menggunakan design penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian <br>dilaksanakan di SMP N 2 Sidomulyo. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak <br>38 orang. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa 1) Kompensasi adalah <br>semua pendapatan yang berbentuk uang, barang langsung dan tidak <br>langsung yang diterima karyawan sebagai imbalan atas jasa yang <br>diberikan kepada perusahaan. Pada SMP N 2 Sidomulyopemberian <br>kompensasi dapat dikatakan efektif dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan <br>dan pendidik. Pendidik merasa mempunyai tanggung jawab dalam <br>pekerjaannya dan termotivasi dengan adanya kompensasi yang berlaku; 2) <br>SMP N 2 Sidomulyo sudah sesuai dengan Prespektif Ekonomi Islam <br>dalam pemberian kompensasi yaitu dalam contoh Islam memandang <br>seorang buruh sebagai dari keluarga kita yang harus diperlakukan <br>selayaknya dan perlu dihargai keadannya walaupun hanya karyawan <br>biasa, pemberian kompensasi yang layak bagi karyawan merupakan <br>kompenen penting dalam keberlangsungan suatu menajamen. SMP N 2 <br>Sidomulyo akan berusaha lagi membuat sistem manajemen yang adil <br>sesuai dengan kinerja dan mencukupi kebutuhan dasar para karyawannya. <br>Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa kompensasi <br>dapat dikatakan efektif dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan dan <br>pendidik</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH SEKTOR PERTANIAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI KECAMATAN WAY SULAN 2023-08-16T07:23:04+00:00 Yusuf Maulana <p>Sektor pertanian yang signifikan menunjukkan hubungan yang <br>mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi, nilai sektor pertanian yang negatif <br>menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak searah dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. <br>Artinya, sektor pertanian sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi <br>karena sektor pertanian merupakan sektor unggulan dengan pendapatan <br>terbesar PDRB Kecamatan Way Sulan, namun setiap kenaikan sektor <br>pertanian akan menurunkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kecamatan Way Sulan . <br>Hal ini karena kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat masih menjadi petani dan <br>kurangnya produktifitas pengolahan lahan dalam hasil panen. Sektor industri <br>pengolahan yang signifikan menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang <br>mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Sektor industri pengolahan bernilai <br>positif yang menunjukkan bahwa sektor industri pengolahan dan <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi memiliki hubungan yang searah. Sektor pertanian <br>secara bersama-sama akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi <br>Kecamatan Way Sulan, setiap kenaikan nilai sektor pertanian akan <br>meningkatakan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kecamatan Way Sulan pengelola <br>bumi dan pelaku ekonomi dalam membangun kesejahteraan. Masyarakat <br>dan pemerintah harus menciptakan keadilan distribusi dan mempersempit <br>kesenjangan ekonomi dengan prinsip tauhid, kasab dan amana. Keadilan <br>distribusi yang telah terwujud akan menciptakan kondisi sosial yang adil, <br>kesamaan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Lampung Selatan</p> 2023-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam BISNIS JUAL BELI MOBIL BEKAS MELALUI MAKELAR DITINJAU DARI PRESPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-13T06:29:24+00:00 Mufidatul Ala <p>Buying and selling is a transaction of replacing or <br>exchanging goods based on a contract, in order to aim to <br>meet one's needs. Buying and selling used cars in practice <br>can be done directly by sellers and buyers, but they need <br>an intermediary or broker to expedite the buying and <br>selling transaction process. Intermediaries or brokers in <br>Islam called samsara / simsar are intermediaries in buying <br>and selling transactions between buyers and sellers in order <br>to facilitate transactions. In this case it is the broker who <br>bridges the interests between the seller and the buyer.<br>This study aims to determine the business of buying and <br>selling used cars through brokers from an Islamic <br>economic perspective. This type of research is field <br>research. While the nature of this research is descriptive. <br>The data sources used are primary data sources and <br>secondary data sources. The data collection techniques <br>used are interviews and documentation. The data found in <br>the field are descriptive and then analyzed using inductive <br>thinking.<br>Based on the results of research that the business of buying <br>and selling used cars through brokers in car showroom 29 <br>has not been carried out properly, because it has not been <br>in accordance with the terms and principles of a broker <br>regarding aspects of honesty and good faith, where the <br>broker is not honest in covering the actual price that has <br>been previously agreed at the beginning, and also the <br>broker raises the price without the knowledge of both <br>parties. As well as covering defects in goods or goods that <br>are not original, when held accountable the broker does not <br>have good faith by not wanting to be responsible for the <br>incident, because according to the broker the buyers have <br>checked the time the sale and purchase transaction<br>occurred. The business of buying and selling used cars <br>through brokers is not in accordance with Islamic <br>economic principles, namely the principle of divinity, the <br>principle of justice and the principle of responsibility</p> 2023-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERAN MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN USAHA 2023-08-06T05:19:04+00:00 Rian Andika <p>Management is the science and art of a business <br>process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, <br>and controlling activities using human resources and <br>objects in an organization in order to achieve <br>organizational goals effectively and efficiently.<br>One of the LKP institutions that plays a role in using <br>financial management is LKP Kharisma college which is <br>seen from the results of a pre-survey conducted by <br>researchers that the source of income at LKP Kharisma <br>College Punggur, the source of income is new student <br>applicants of 100,000.00 rupiah and KC provides elective <br>programs such as Computer (3 Month Package), for <br>elementary, junior high, and high school. Fee Rp. <br>500.000,00/ Package. Bimbel SD Grade 5 and 6, Rp. <br>100.000,00/ Month. English, and mathematics courses for <br>elementary, junior high, high school, and general, at a cost; <br>Rp. 100.000,00/ Month. And Sewing Course (Male / <br>Female) at a cost of Rp. 1.500.000,00 plus 5 pieces of <br>practice materials. The financing can be paid in <br>installments according to ability.<br>This writing aims to find out how the role of financial <br>management in Business Development (Case Study at <br>Kharisma College Punggur Education Course <br>Institute).This type of research is field research, while the <br>nature of this research is descriptive-qualitative.using <br>primary data sources and secondary data sources. The goal <br>is to be able to describe the role of financial management <br>in business development at LKP Kharisma College, data <br>collection techniques, interviews and documentation, and <br>observation if needed. Interviews were conducted with the <br>treasurer, secretary and chairman of LKP Kharisma <br>College. Documentation is used to obtain data as <br>information material in the form of data related to financial <br>management activities at LKP Kharisma College and <br>observations are made to observe the implementation of <br>financial management at LKP Kharisma College.<br>The results of this study concluded that the role of financial <br>management in business development at LKP Kharisma <br>College affects the financial management process. Where <br>good management will facilitate activities that have been <br>planned and achieve goals well. At LKP Kharisma <br>College, financial management has been going quite well, <br>but there is still something to be improved related to the <br>payroll system for teaching instructors / tentors and <br>depreciation management on fixed assets</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS FAKTOR- FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN MAHASISWA MEMILIH PROGRAM STUDI DI PERGURUAN TINGGI DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T06:50:34+00:00 Rega Pradana <p>Consumer decision marketing can be defined as a <br>process by which consumers assess various choices and <br>choose one or more alternatives that are needed for <br>consideration. This is backgrounded by different student <br>factors in choosing a study program. Students will <br>certainly choose a certain study program with the hope that <br>the chosen study program will be able to support the <br>educational process in the future and get a good job. <br>Universities must be able to know what are the factors that <br>influence students to choose a study program. The <br>formulation of the problem in this study is What factors <br>influence the decision of students to choose a study <br>program at the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, <br>UNISAN An Nur Lampung? How is the view of Islamic <br>Economics on the decision of students to choose a study <br>program at the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business <br>UNISAN An Nur Lampung The method used in this study <br>is quantitative, this research is included in the type of field <br>research (field research), the nature of this research is <br>descriptive analysis, the data used in this study are primary <br>and secondary data, the population in this study is 691, <br>The sample taken in this study was 87 respondents using <br>the Slovin formula, by means of proportional sampling <br>techniques, data collection techniques in this study were <br>observation, questionnaires and documentation. Based on <br>the results of hypothesis test research, it partially shows <br>that social factors do not affect the decision of students to <br>choose a study program while psychological factors have <br>a positive and significant effect on the decision of students <br>to choose a study program, simultaneously showing that <br>together psychological factors and social factors have a <br>positive and significant effect on the decision of students<br>to choose a study program, coefficient of determination is <br>shown value Adjused R Square by 0.380 or 38%</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI PROVINSI LAMPUNG MENURUT PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T06:46:44+00:00 Selamet Nuriman <p>Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah kenaikan kapasitas dalam <br>jangka panjang dari negara bersangkutan untuk menyediakan <br>berbagai barang ekonomi kepada penduduknya. Perspektif adalah <br>suatu kumpulan atau asumsi maupun keyakinan tentang suatu hal.<br>Berdasarkan analisis regresi sederhana faktor yang mempengaruhi <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah variabel industri manufaktur. Jenis <br>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian menggunkan pendekatan <br>kuantitatif, penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan <br>rancangan yang terstruktur, formal dan spesifik, serta mempunyai <br>rancangan operasional yang mendetail. Hasil penelitian ini <br>menunjukan berdasarkan hasil uji T: nilaiT hitung sebesar -9,560&gt; <br>2,05954 t tabel. Jadi t hitung &gt; t tabel maka H0 diterima dan H1 <br>ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel industri <br>manufaktur memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan negatif terhadap <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH KEBERADAAN PT.TEGUH WIBAWA BHAKTI PERSADA DI KOTA BUMI UTARA DALAM MENGURANGI TINGKAT PENGANGGURAN DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM TAHUN 2020-2021 2023-08-06T06:42:24+00:00 Nasiah <p>Salah satu masalah pokok yang dihadapi bangsa dan negara <br>Indonesia adalah masalah pengangguran. Pengangguran yang tinggi <br>berdampak langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap kemiskinan, <br>kriminalitas dan masalah-masalah sosial politik yang juga semakin <br>meningkat. Dengan jumlah angkatan kerja yang cukup besar, arus <br>migrasi yang terus mengalir, serta dampak krisis ekonomi yang <br>berkepanjangan sampai saat ini, membuat permasalahan tenaga kerja <br>menjadi sangat besar dan kompleks. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan <br>adalah penelitian kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian <br>eksploratif yang biasanya lebih bersifat studi kasus. Jenis penelitian <br>ini mempunyai proses yang lain dengan proses pada penelitian <br>kuantitatif. Keberadaan PT. TWBP sangat berpengaruh dalam <br>mengurangi tingkat pengangguran dibuktikan dengan masyarakat <br>Lampung Utara dapat memperoleh lapangan sesuai dengan <br>keterampilan dan pendidikan yang dimiliki, PT. TWBP memberikan <br>pelatihan khusus kepada tenaga kerja sehingga tenaga kerja dapat <br>menguasai pekerjaan menggunakan teknologi mesin dengan baik, <br>setelah bekerja di PT. TWBP pendapatan menjadi lebih baik dan <br>dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup keluarga</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PERAN BANK SYARIAH TERHADAP PEMBERDAYAAN UMKM MELALUI PEMBIAYAAN MURABAHAH 2023-08-06T06:38:38+00:00 Bella Ariska Rahmawati <p>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) <br>have a very important role in the economy in Indonesia, <br>because they can overcome the problems of <br>unemployment, employment and increased innovation. So <br>that it can provide opportunities for the community to open <br>other businesses and provide jobs. However, the problem <br>for micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and <br>increase income is capital. In this study, Bank BRI Syariah <br>KCP Sribhawono East Lampung which is a sharia financial <br>institution whose existence is expected to develop micro <br>businesses in an effort to overcome poverty<br>The formulation of the problem in this research is: (1) <br>What is the role of Bank BRI Syariah KCP Sribhawono <br>East Lampung in empowering MSMEs through <br>Murabahah financing? (2) What are the obstacles faced by <br>Bank BRI Syariah KCP Sribhawono Lampung Timur in <br>providing and explaining Murabahah financing? and this <br>study aims to determine the role of Bank BRI Syariah KCP <br>Sribhawono East Lampung in empowering MSMEs <br>through murabahah financing and the obstacles faced by <br>Bank BRI Syariah KCP Sribhawono East Lampung in <br>providing murabahah financing<br>This type of research includes field research. The method <br>used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The population <br>in this study amounted to 173 business actors in 2018. In <br>determining the sample using an error rate of 10% so that <br>the sample in this study amounted to 17 business actors. <br>This study used data collection techniques, namely <br>observation, interviews, documentation.<br>The results of this study show that the role of Bank BRI <br>Syariah KCP Sribhawono East Lampung in empowering <br>MSMEs shows that the Bank supports business actors to <br>improve and develop their businesses, by providing <br>financing and ease in applying for murabahah financing.<br>So that business actors can use it to advance and develop <br>their business. And the obstacles faced by Bank BRI <br>Syariah KCP Sribhawono East Lampung are guarantees <br>and bookkeeping problems</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS DAMPAK TINGKAT PENDAPATAN DAN PERILAKU KONSUMTIF TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T06:35:17+00:00 Yusma Lukman Yasin <p>In general, consumptive behavior also occurs in <br>various regions and other communities, such as in <br>Adiluwih sub-district Adiluwih Pringsewu District has <br>many people whose lifestyle consumptive, not a few <br>Adiluwih people who have a livelihood As a farmer, and <br>his income level is uncertain every month. Every time they <br>harvest from the garden products some of the people who <br>buy new vehicles even though they already exist, then buy <br>clothes or items Other. Consumptive behavior in the <br>decision-making process of society to buy and use goods <br>to fulfill his satisfaction. Buying things that do not really <br>matter, tend to follow the trend, collecting things at home. <br>Expenses that are greater than those of income level, as <br>well as goods purchased only as a pemuas desire or just to <br>keep the silliness. Not a few of them who buys things even <br>in a debt way. Data collection techniques usedi.e. <br>Observation, Interviews, and documentation. As for data <br>analysis through qualitative analysis with a deductive <br>thinking approach. Based on results research that has been <br>carried out, that the level of income of the family adiluwih <br>society towards the welfare of the family there is a family <br>that still less prosperous because the producers can only <br>meet primary needs. And the consumptive behavior of the <br>family in the Adiluwih community there are negative and <br>positive impacts: Negative impact on income levels Rising <br>and Fixed-Income Communities with Categories well-off, <br>the people of Adiluwih village continue to behave in a <br>wasteful manner, buying the latest items without regard to <br>their usefulness, and do not consider before buying the <br>item. Impact positive with consumptive behavior of <br>families who buy things what they want is part of the form <br>of enjoying the fruits of hard work of their work. However, <br>if the behavior of the Adiluwih Village Community,<br>Adiluwih District, Pringsewu Regency, when viewed from <br>an Islamic perspective, then this behavior is not allowed <br>and forbidden by the Religion of Allah SWT</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Pengaruh Tingkat Pengangguran Dan Pertumbuhan Penduduk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dalam Persepektif Ekonomi Islam Di Provinsi Lampung 2021-2022 2023-08-06T06:31:13+00:00 Vicky Andrian HS <p>Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengelolaan pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang analisis perkembangan <br>beberapa indikator makro ekonomi seperti pengangguran, dan <br>pertumbuhan penduduk. Dimana Peningkatan pengangguran, dan <br>pertumbuhan penduduk ini dapat menentukan tingkat pertumbuhan <br>ekonomi suatu wilayah. Rumusan Masalah dalam penelitian ini <br>apakah pengangguran, dan pertumbuhan penduduk Berpengaruh <br>Signifikan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Lampung <br>pada tahun 2021-2022 secara parsial maupun simultan. Penelitian ini <br>bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengangguran, pertumbuhan <br>penduduk terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi baik secara simultan <br>maupun parsial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif <br>dengan data sekunder dalam periode pengamatan 2021-2022. <br>Pengumpulan data sekunder menggunakan metode dokumentasi <br>untuk data laporan pengangguran, data pertumbuhan penduduk, dan <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi dari BPS, BPPRP,dan BPKAP, data yang <br>terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda dengan <br>menggunakan eviews 10. Disimpulkan bahwa model regresi yang <br>diestimasi layak untuk menjelaskan pengaruh tingkat Pengangguran, <br>dan Pertumbuhan Penduduk terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi maka <br>dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat Pengangguran dan Pertumbuhan <br>Penduduk secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap <br>Pertumbuhan Ekonomi provinsi lampung.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH SEKTOR PERTANIAN DAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR PERIODE 2016-2022 DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T06:08:12+00:00 Victor Andrian HS <p>Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah kegiatan pengingkatan <br>ekonomi masyarakat yang menyebabkan kenaikan produksi barang <br>dan jasa atau pendapatan naisonal. Pertumbuhan ekonomi diukur <br>dengan menggunakan indikator nilai tambah Produk Domestik <br>Regional Bruto (PDRB) atas dasar harga konstan. Tujuan penelitian <br>ini adalah bagaimana meneliti pengaruh sektor pertanian terhadap <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Timur periode 2016-<br>2022. Bagaimana pengaruh sektor industri pengolahan terhadap <br>perumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Timur periode 2016-<br>2022. Bagaimana pengaruh sektor pertanian dan sektor industri <br>pengolahan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung <br>Timur periode 2016-2022, Dan bagaimana sektor pertanian dan <br>sektor industri pengolahan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam <br>perspektif ekonomi IslamJenis penelitian menggunakan metode <br>kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini merupakan <br>penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang <br>bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lampung Timur<br>pada tahun 2016-2022. Metode analisis data menggunakan regresi <br>linear berganda dengan alat uji statistik SPSS.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Pengaruh Etika Profesi Akuntan Dan Independensi Auditor Terhadap Opini Audit Dalam Perspektif Islam 2023-08-06T06:05:02+00:00 Fitria Yuli Astuti <p>Profesi akuntan adalah profesi yang membutuhkan <br>kepercayaan dari masyarakat. Adanya kasus pelanggaran etika yang <br>dilakukan akuntan baik ditingkat international maupun nasional perlu <br>mendapatkan perhatian khususnya dikalangan dunia profesi akuntan.<br>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh etika <br>profesional akuntan dan independensi auditor terhadap opini audit <br>dan meninjau perspektif Islam pada etika profesi akuntansi.<br>Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2022. <br>Berdasarkan hasil pengujian etika profesi akuntansi tidak <br>berpengaruh signifikan terhadap opini audit. Berdasarkan hasil <br>regresi dapat dilihat bahwa variabel etis profesi akuntan memiliki <br>thitung 0,62 dengan signifikansi 0,693. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian <br>independensi auditor tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan <br>terhadap opini audit. Berdasarkan hasil regresi tampak bahwa <br>variabel independensi auditor memiliki thitung 0,102 dengan <br>signifikansi 0,724. Dan dalam perspektif Islam, etika profesi akuntan <br>adalah profesi yang diperlukan sebagai fardu kifayah. Seorang <br>akuntan muslim dituntut untuk menjalani profesinya dengan akhlak <br>yang baik.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH SEKTOR PERTANIAN DAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH PERIODE 2021-2022 DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T06:01:07+00:00 Deskon Fediansyah <p>Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah kegiatan pengingkatan <br>ekonomi masyarakat yang menyebabkan kenaikan produksi barang<br>dan jasa atau pendapatan naisonal. Pertumbuhan ekonomi diukur <br>dengan menggunakan indikator nilai tambah Produk Domestik <br>Regional Bruto (PDRB) atas dasar harga konstan 2010. Tujuan <br>penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sektor pertanian terhadap <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Tengah periode 2021-<br>2022 dan pengaruh sektor industri pengolahan terhadap perumbuhan <br>ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Tengah periode 2021-2022<br>Bagaimana pengaruh sektor pertanian dan sektor industri pengolahan <br>terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Tengah periode <br>2021-2022? Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk <br>mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh sektor pertanian dan sektor <br>industri pengolahan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten <br>Lampung Tengah periode 2021-2022dan mendeskripsikan dari<br>perspektif ekonomiIslam. Berdasarkan hasil uji signifkansi parsial <br>(uji T), dan Hasil uji simultan (uji F), sektor pertanian dan sektor <br>industri pengolahan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap <br>pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Tengah tahun 2021-<br>2022 secara bersama-sama dan hasil dari R Square sektor pertanian <br>dan sektor industri pengolahan memilki pengaruh sebesar 86,9%. <br>Dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam, sektor pertanian dan sektor industri <br>pengolahan berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam<br>wujud keadilan dalam distribusi.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI KOPI DALAM PERSEPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM STUDI PADA USAHA TANI KOPI DI MUARA JAYA II, KECAMATAN KEBUN TEBU, LAMPUNG BARAT 2023-08-06T05:37:09+00:00 Desi Anggraini <p>Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor yang berperan strategis<br>dalam perekonomian hampir dua juta rumah petani di Indonesia.<br>Potensi ekspor kopi Indonesia cukup tinggi karena cita rasanya yang<br>disukai, namun tren peningkatan produksi kopi nasional hanya 1-2%<br>per tahun Penelitian ini bertujuan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi<br>produksi pada usaha tani kopi di Muara Jaya II, Kecamatan Kebun<br>Tebu, Lampung Barat, lampung barat merupakan daerah termasuk<br>penghasil kopi robusta terbesar di indonesia. Faktor yang<br>mempengaruhi produksi usaha tani kopi di desa Muara Jaya II<br>diantaranya: (a) faktor modal, yang sangat berpengaruh dalam<br>produksi kopi adalah modal pinjaman dan modal sendiri. (b) tenaga<br>kerja, yang sering digunakan dalam faktor produksi kopi adalah tenaga<br>kerja dalam keluarga. (c) sumber daya alam (SDA), dan (d)<br>wirausahawan dalam produksikopi dikarenakan keterbatasan biaya,<br>dan teknologi. Menurut pandangan ekonomi islam -faktor yang<br>mempengaruhi usaha tenaga kerja, sudah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip<br>ekonomi islam, yaitu prinsip tauhid dan ketuhanan.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH LOKASI USAHA, PENETAPAN HARGA JUAL DAN KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023 2023-08-06T05:29:15+00:00 Sahroni <p>This study was conducted to test the <br>effect of macroeconomic variables on the <br>profitability of Islamic commercial banks in <br>Indonesia for the 2013-2020 period. <br>Macroeconomic variables multiplied by inflation, <br>market share and money supply as independent <br>variables on the profitability of Islamic <br>commercial banks in Indonesia are measured <br>using the Return On Asset (ROA) indicator as a <br>dependent variable. The theories used in this study <br>are theories about inflation, market share, money <br>supply and Return On Asset (ROA). And then the <br>relationship of inflation to Return On Asset <br>(ROA), the relationship of market share to Return <br>On Asset (ROA) and the relationship of the <br>money supply to Return On Asset (ROA). This <br>research is a quantitative study. The samples in <br>this study used a saturated sample technique.<br>Using all populations as samples, obtained from 32 <br>financial statements. Data analysis techniques used <br>in time series from 2013 to 2020. Data <br>management using SPSS application version 22.<br>Data analysis techniques using descriptive <br>analysis,. The results of the partial study (t test) <br>stated that there was no effect of inflation on <br>Return On Asset (ROA). There is an influence of <br>market share on Return On Asset (ROA). There is <br>no effect of the money supply on Return On Asset <br>(ROA)</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN USAHA AGRIBISNIS PEDESAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN ANGGOTA GABUNGAN KELOMPOK TANI DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi Kasus Desa Way Halom Kec. Buay Madang Kabupaten OKU Timur) 2023-08-06T05:23:43+00:00 Yumami <p>Rural Agribusiness Business Development <br>(PUAP). PUAP is a program of the Ministry of Agriculture <br>for farmers in rural areas in order to improve the quality of <br>life, independence, and welfare by facilitating business <br>capital assistance for owner farmers, sharecroppers, <br>agricultural workers and farming households. The purpose <br>of the study was to determine the rural agribusiness <br>business development program in increasing the income of <br>members of the Farmer Group Association in Way Halom <br>Village, Buay Madang District, East OKU Regency. Data <br>analysis uses qualitative analysis, which is the process of <br>systematically searching and compiling data obtained from <br>interviews, field notes and documentation.<br>Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be <br>concluded that the implementation of the Rural <br>Agribusiness Business Development program in <br>increasing the income of members of the Farmer Group <br>Association from an Islamic economic perspective in Way <br>Halom Village, Buay Madang District, East OKU Regency <br>has been carried out well, where the procedure for <br>implementing PUAP Funds in Buay Madang District, <br>namely by means of the Ministry of Agriculture, is <br>channeled to the association account in accordance with <br>the Business Plan Together (RUB), then from the <br>Association is distributed to farmer groups in accordance <br>with the Group Business Plan (RUK), after which PUAP <br>funds received by farmer groups are distributed to member <br>farmers in accordance with the Member Business Plan <br>(RUA).</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam DAMPAK PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA TERHADAP SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (PADA TAMAN WISATAPANTAI KELAPA RAPAT, DESA BATU MENYAN KECAMATAN TELUK PANDAN, KABUPATEN PESAWARAN) 2023-08-06T06:54:36+00:00 Zainal Apriadi <p>Lampung Province is one of the provinces in <br>Indonesia which has a lot of good tourism places that are <br>no less interesting than other provinces. Pesawaran <br>Regency as one of the areas in Lampung province which <br>has quite a lot of tourism potential that can be developed <br>more seriously, one of the tourist objects being developed <br>by the Lampung TNI-AL which is managed by the <br>Lampung TNI-AL Cooperative is Kelapa Meeting Beach. <br>Kelapa Meeting Beach is one of the local objects which has <br>become a mainstay tourist spot for the City of Lampung to <br>date. Kelapa Meeting Beach is located in Batu Menyan <br>Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency which <br>is a place for local and foreign tourists to come for <br>recreation, thus it can be said that such conditions have <br>definitely increased income for both the Government, <br>Entrepreneurs and Communities around the Park area <br>Kelapa Meeting Beach Tourism. The formulation of the <br>problem in this study is what is the impact of tourism <br>development on the socio-economic community, and what <br>is the Islamic economic view of the socio-economic <br>development of the community in the Kelapa Mediterania <br>beach area, Batu Menyan Village, Teluk Pandan District, <br>Pesawaran Regency. tourism development on the socioeconomic community, and what are the views of the <br>Islamic economy on tourism development on the socioeconomic community in the coconut meeting beach area, <br>Batu Menyan Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran <br>Regency. This research is a descriptive analysis. Sources <br>of data used are primary data and secondary data. By using <br>data collection methods, namely observation, interviews, <br>questionnaires, and documentation. The results showed <br>that the impact of tourism development on the socio-<br>economic community in the dense coconut beach tourist <br>attraction area showed a positive impact on human, <br>economic, socio-cultural and environmental resources.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN RANTAI NILAI GUNA MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING PRODUK KEDAI KOPI DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Studi Kasus pada Kedai Kopi Nyala Coffe Roastery Bandar Lampung) 2023-08-06T05:12:25+00:00 May Sujana <p>In this era of globalization, competition in doing <br>business is getting tougher. This can be seen from the <br>number of similar businesses established that offer the <br>same goods and services in a market. In order for <br>organizations to continue to survive and run their business, <br>they must continue to correct business deficiencies <br>continuously. According to Lupiyoadi and Hamdani, the <br>dynamics that occur in the service sector can be seen from <br>the development of various service industries such as <br>banking, insurance, aviation, telecommunications, retail, <br>Coffe Shop, tourism, and professional service companies <br>such as accounting firms, consultants and lawyers as well <br>as beauty clinic doctors. Based on previous research <br>conducted by Mardian and Novia Kusrini in 2016, it is <br>stated that value chain activities in the pepper commodity <br>business do not only involve the main activities, but there <br>are supporting activities that are indirectly involved in the <br>pepper commodity value chain and this research also aims <br>to determine the function and dynamics of the value chain <br>by identifying roles/actors and providing solutions by <br>encouraging increased income Companies in <br>implementing a competitiveness strategy that is to use a <br>low-cost focus strategy and differentiationBased on the <br>results of research discussions on the implementation of <br>sharia values in value chain management in increasing <br>competitiveness in coffee products at Kedai Nyala Coffe <br>Roastery, the value chain in supporting (secondary) <br>activities as a whole shows positive things in supporting <br>performance in the main (primary) activities to create coffe <br>roastery products. Improving the company's <br>competitiveness through value chain analysis on the <br>activities of the supporters (secondary) the company sortsout the details and examines each of its activities. Theresults of the value chain analysis assessment in increasingthe competitiveness of theshop all synergize with eachother to form, support, and support the coffee making <br>process</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Pengaruh Komisaris Independen dan Dewan Pengawas Syariah Terhadap Manajemen Laba Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia Periode 2017-2021 2023-08-06T05:09:13+00:00 Rinaldi Antoni <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji bagaimana <br>pengaruh komisaris independen dan dewan pengawas syariah <br>terhadap manajemen laba pada bank umum syariah di Indonesia. <br>Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan penelitian <br>secara kuantitatif. Dengan metode pengambilan sampel <br>menggunakan Purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan data <br>sekunder berupa laporan tahunan (Annual Report). Sampel yang <br>digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 14 Bank Umum Syariah di <br>Indonesia periode 2017-2021. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam <br>penelitian ini adalah regresi data panel dan menggunakan program <br>Eviews 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Komisaris independen <br>yang diukur dengan membandingkan jumlah komisaris independen <br>terhadap jumlah total dewan komisaris terbukti berpengaruh negatif <br>dan signifikan terhadap manajemen laba. Dewan pengawas syariah <br>yang diukur dengan jumlah rapat dewan pengawas syariah <br>berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap manajemen laba.<br>Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan semakin banyak <br>komisaris independen maka semakin turun praktek manajemn laba, <br>dan dewan pengawas syariah hanya sebagai pemenuhan regulasi saja.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS, LIKUIDITAS, AKTIVA PRODUKTIF DAN RASIO KECUKUPAN MODAL TERHADAP TINGKAT BAGI HASIL DEPOSITO MUDHARABAH (Studi Pada Laporan Keuangan Bank Sariah Periode 2017/2022) 2023-08-06T05:06:23+00:00 Septian Agung Maulana <p>The factor that people consider in investing their <br>funds in Islamic banks is the profit sharing factor. One of <br>them is through mudharabah deposits. The indication of <br>the profit sharing rate of mudharabah deposits is <br>influenced by internal factors, namely related to the <br>financial performance of Islamic banks which is reflected <br>in financial ratios such as ROA, FDR, NPF and CAR. <br>The formulation of the problem in this study is whether <br>the influence of ROA, FDR, NPF, and CAR on the profit <br>sharing rate of mudharabah deposits partially The purpose <br>of this study is to determine the effect of ROA, FDR, <br>NPF and CAR on the profit sharing rate of mudharabah <br>deposits partially. Types of quantitative research. The <br>research methodology used is the documentation method. <br>Secondary data source with Purposive Sampling <br>technique. The results of this study show that together the <br>variables ROA, FDR, NPF, and CAR have a significant <br>effect on the profit sharing rate of mudharabah deposits.<br>The coefficient of determination (R2) test was 48.54% <br>while the remaining 51.46% was influenced by other <br>factors outside the study. Partial ROA has an insignificant <br>positive effect on the profit sharing rate of mudharabah <br>deposits with a t-statistical value of 0.7704 and a <br>significance value of 0.4424. FDR has an insignificant <br>negative effect on the profit sharing rate of mudharabah <br>deposits with a t-statistical value of -0.8788 and a <br>significance value of 0.3811 this is because the source of <br>financing funds does not only come from depositsso that <br>the profit share received from all financing is not only <br>channeled to deposit investors, but also to savings and <br>current account customers. CAR has a positive and <br>significant effect on the profit sharing rate of mudharabah<br>JURNAL AZ-ZAHRA : JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM xx (xx): xx-xx (20xx)<br>deposits with a t-statistical value of 2.9976 and a <br>significance value of 0.0033 which means that the <br>company's capital in addition to supporting the operations <br>of Islamic banks is also to protect depositors by <br>debunking all losses to the company</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH MODAL DAN UPAH TERHADAP PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM ( STUDI PADA PERUSAHAAN PROPERTI DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2023-08-06T05:02:58+00:00 Eko Cahyono <p>Capital is a set of money or goods that are used <br>as a basis for carrying out a job where if the greater the <br>capital invested will increase the use of labor, and if the <br>capital increases, the profit will increase, so the company <br>will maximize profits by increasing the number of sales <br>with a large amount of capital. Labor is one of the factors <br>of production, if there is no labor then production is not <br>biased to run smoothly. The formulation of the problem <br>in this study is whether capital and wages affect the <br>absorption of labor in property companies in Bandar <br>Lampung City partially, whether capital and wages affect <br>the absorption of labor in property companies in Bandar <br>Lampung City simultaneously, how the Islamic economic <br>view of capital and wages in property companies in <br>Bandar Lampung City. This study aims to determine the <br>effect of capital on labor absorption in property <br>companies in Bandar Lampung City and the effect of <br>wages on labor absorption in property companies in <br>Bandar Lampung City. Overall, the results of multiple <br>linear regression analysis and hypothesis tests can be <br>concluded that simultaneously it can be concluded that <br>independent variables including capital (X1) and wages <br>(X2) simultaneously and significantly affect the labor <br>dependent variable (Y) namely F count = 3.837 &gt; F table <br>= 3.34 and sig of 0.034 &lt; 0.05. Partially it can be <br>concluded that the variable X1 (capital) has a contribution <br>to Y (employment) of 2.712 with a sig of 0.011 &lt; 0.05 <br>and has a calculated T of 2.712 and T table = 2.052. The <br>variable X2 (wages) has no contribution to Y <br>(employment) because it has a calculated T value of -<br>0.407 with a sig of 0.687 &gt; 0.05 and a T count of &lt; T of <br>the table.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH MODAL DAN UPAH TERHADAP PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM ( STUDI PADA PERUSAHAAN PROPERTI DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2023-08-06T04:59:41+00:00 Siti Mulyanah <p>Capital is a set of money or goods that are used <br>as a basis for carrying out a job where if the greater the <br>capital invested will increase the use of labor, and if the <br>capital increases, the profit will increase, so the company <br>will maximize profits by increasing the number of sales <br>with a large amount of capital. Labor is one of the factors <br>of production, if there is no labor then production is not <br>biased to run smoothly. The formulation of the problem <br>in this study is whether capital and wages affect the <br>absorption of labor in property companies in Bandar <br>Lampung City partially, whether capital and wages affect <br>the absorption of labor in property companies in Bandar <br>Lampung City simultaneously, how the Islamic economic <br>view of capital and wages in property companies in <br>Bandar Lampung City. This study aims to determine the <br>effect of capital on labor absorption in property <br>companies in Bandar Lampung City and the effect of <br>wages on labor absorption in property companies in <br>Bandar Lampung City. Overall, the results of multiple <br>linear regression analysis and hypothesis tests can be <br>concluded that simultaneously it can be concluded that <br>independent variables including capital (X1) and wages <br>(X2) simultaneously and significantly affect the labor <br>dependent variable (Y) namely F count = 3.837 &gt; F table <br>= 3.34 and sig of 0.034 &lt; 0.05. Partially it can be <br>concluded that the variable X1 (capital) has a contribution <br>to Y (employment) of 2.712 with a sig of 0.011 &lt; 0.05 <br>and has a calculated T of 2.712 and T table = 2.052. The <br>variable X2 (wages) has no contribution to Y <br>(employment) because it has a calculated T value of -<br>0.407 with a sig of 0.687 &gt; 0.05 and a T count of &lt; T of <br>the table.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS DAMPAK PEMEKARAN WILAYAH TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG BARAT DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T04:56:29+00:00 Gadis Ayu Apriasari <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh <br>pemekaran wilayah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten <br>Lampung Barat dengan menganalisis pengaruh PD, JP, IPM serta <br>bagaimana pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Lampung Barat <br>ditinjau dalam perspekstif ekonomi Islam.Berdasarkan hasil uji beda <br>paired t-test nilai signifikansi diperoleh 0.352 &gt;0.05 maka <br>menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan setelah<br>pemekaran wilayah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten<br>Lampung Barat. atau nilai sinifikan (0.042 &lt; 0.05). Pengujian <br>menggunakan uji F menunjukkan bahwa ketiga variabel berpengaruh <br>secara signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten <br>Lampung Barat dengan nilai signifikan 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Kesimpulan <br>penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan pertumbuhan<br>ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat sebelum dan sesudah pemekaran <br>dikarenakan tidak terjadi peningkatan PDRB. Islam memandang <br>Pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat belum optimal <br>karena pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat masih belum <br>diiringi dengan meningkatnya PDRB, penurunan kemiskinan dan <br>masih adanya ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH SEKTOR PERTANIAN DAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T04:53:16+00:00 Dewi Masfufah <p>Economic growth is the economic improvement <br>of society that causes an increase in the production of <br>goods and services or naisonal income. Economic growth <br>is measured using value-added indicators of Gross <br>Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on the basis of <br>constant prices in 2010. The economic growth of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency fluctuates and tends to decline every year. <br>The main sectors with great added value to GRDP are the <br>agricultural sector and the processing industry sector. The <br>formulation of this research problem is how does the <br>agricultural sector affect the economic growth of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency for the 2018-2021 period How does the <br>processing industry sector affect the economic <br>development of Lampung Tengah Regency for the 2018-<br>2021 period. And how do the agricultural sector and the <br>processing industry sector respond to economic growth in <br>an Islamic economic perspective?. The purpose of this <br>study is to find out how much influence the agricultural <br>sector and the processing industry sector have on the <br>economic growth of Lampung Tengah Regency for the <br>2018-2021 period and describe it from an Islamic <br>economic perspective. Based on the results of the partial <br>signification test (T test), the agricultural sector has a <br>negative and significant influence on the economic growth <br>of Lampung Tengah Regency. Partially, the processing <br>industry sector has a positive and significant effect on the <br>economic growth of Lampung Tengah Regency. The <br>results of the simultaneous test (F test), the agricultural <br>sector and the processing industry sector had a positive and <br>significant effect on the economic growth of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency in 2018-2021 together and the results of<br>JURNAL AZ-ZAHRA : JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS ISLAM xx (xx): xx-xx (20xx)<br>the R Square in the agricultural sector and the processing <br>industry sector had an influence of 86.9%.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PERAN BMT NU DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (UMKM) DI KECAMATAN PRINGSEWU 2023-08-06T04:49:42+00:00 Muhammad Akbar <p>This thesis discusses the Role of BMT NU in <br>Empowering Small Micro Enterprises in Pringsewu <br>District. The development of micro-enterprises has a very <br>close relationship with efforts to empower the poor who <br>are the main actors of the business. BMT NU Pringsewu <br>District as one of the Islamic financial institutions is <br>present as a form of development of the aspirations of <br>people who want economic activities based on sharia <br>principles, can get small communities out of poverty and <br>from the entanglement of loan sharks. The purpose of this <br>study is to find out about the Role of BMT NU in <br>Empowering Small Micro Enterprises in Pringsewu <br>District. This type of research is field research, which is <br>qualitative, namely by using observation techniques, <br>interviews, and documentation. Obeservation and <br>interviews conducted by researchers directly involved with <br>BMT NU in Pringsewu District while documentation is <br>carried out by collecting documents related to the <br>development of small micro enterprises. The results of this <br>study show that the role of BMT NU in empowering small <br>micro enterprises in Pringsewu District has been very <br>optimal, this is evidenced by the opening of jobs in various <br>sectors to absorb labor and improve the welfare of the <br>community, especially small or underprivileged <br>communities. However, there are several problems that <br>must be faced by BMT NU Pringsewu District, including <br>from external parties (customers) and internal parties of <br>BMT NU Pringsewu District. Nevertheless, BMT NU <br>Pringsewu District still has specific strategies in dealing <br>with these problems.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH LOKASI USAHA, PENETAPAN HARGA JUAL DAN KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-06T04:46:37+00:00 Bagas Subakti <p>Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu dari sekian <br>banyak daerah yang cukup banyak dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan. <br>Hal ini di dukung oleh program pemerintah yang mengajak <br>wisatawan mengeksplorasi keindahan cagar alam dan budaya yang <br>dimiliki oleh provinsi Lampung. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah <br>penelitian lapangan (fieldresearch) yaitu dengan mencari sumbersumber data langsung di Outlet Waleu Kaos Lampung. Penelitian ini<br>menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan menginterprestasikan <br>variabel independen dan variabel dependen. Penelitian ini bersifat <br>deskriptif analisis yaitu penelitian yang berusaha untuk menuturkan <br>pemecahan masalah yang ada sekarang berdasarkan data-data. Hasil <br>Penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel kualitas produk paling <br>berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen. Dimana <br>Waleu Kaos Lampung memproduksi barang dengan kualitas produk <br>yang cukup baik di bandingkan dengan outlet sejenis lainnya.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam KETERKAITAN SEKTOR PERTANIAN DAN SEKTOR INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH PERIODE 2014 -2022 DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM 2023-08-06T04:42:49+00:00 Sri Puji Astuti Rahayu Ningsih <p>Economic growth is the economic improvement <br>of society that causes an increase in the production of <br>goods and services or naisonal income. Economic growth <br>is measured using value-added indicators of Gross <br>Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on the basis of <br>constant prices in 2010. The economy of a region can be <br>seen from aggregate economic growth calculated through <br>the GRDP value which is on average derived from its <br>sectoral growth rate. The economic growth of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency fluctuates and tends to decline every <br>year. The main sectors with great added value to GRDP <br>are the agricultural sector and the processing industry <br>sector. The purpose of this study is to find out how much <br>influence the agricultural sector and the processing <br>industry sector have on the economic growth of Lampung <br>Tengah Regency for the 2014-2022 period and describe it <br>from an Islamic economic perspective. This type of <br>research uses quantitative methods with descriptive <br>analysis. This research is a literature research using <br>secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics <br>Agency of Lampung Tengah Regency in 2014-2022. <br>Based on the results of the partial signification test (T <br>test), the agricultural sector has a negative and significant <br>influence on the economic growth of Lampung Tengah <br>Regency. Partially, the processing industry sector has a <br>positive and significant effect on the economic growth of <br>Lampung Tengah Regency. The results of the <br>simultaneous test (F test), the agricultural sector and the <br>processing industry sector had a positive and significant <br>effect on the economic growth of Lampung Tengah <br>Regency in 2014-2022 together and the results from R <br>Square in the agricultural sector and the processing <br>industry sector had an influence of 86.9%. In the Islamic <br>economic perspective, the agricultural sector and the <br>processing industry sector influence economic growth in <br>the form of justice in the distribusi.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH LOKASI USAHA DAN PENETAPAN HARGA JUAL DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-05-29T05:55:15+00:00 Khuswatun Khasanah Lisa Efrina Estelee Elora Akbar <p>Consumer decision making is an integration process that combines knowledge to evaluate two or more alternative behaviors and choose one of the results of this integration process is a choice that is presented cognitively as a behavioral desire. It does not mean that the decision-making process must appear at all times when such behavior is expressed. According to Kotler and Kellerthe purchasing decision consists of five stages, namely: Needs Recognition, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchase Decision, Post-Purchase Behavior. The formulation of the problem in this study is Whether Business Location, Selling Price Determination and Product Quality affect Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Waleu Kaos Lampung In Islamic Economic Perspective.The purpose of this study is to determine the Influence of Business Location, Selling Price Determination and Product Quality on Consumer Purchase Decisions in Waleu Kaos Lampung in an Islamic Economic Perspective.This research is included in field research (Field Research),&nbsp; by using quantitative approach methods. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The population in this study was 750 consumers and a sample of 88 resopondents using the Slovin Formula. Sample determination is carried out by non-probability sampling with accidental sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, the Fhitung value of 4,427 &gt; Ftabel was 2.71 so that it can be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted which means that there is an influence between Business Location, Pricing and Product Quality on Consumer purchasing decisions Furthermore, the partial influence is known that the Business Location Variable and Selling Price Determination have no significant effect and the Product Quality Variable with a calculated value of 3.610 with a significance of 0.001</p> 2023-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PRODUKSI KOPI DALAM PERSEPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (STUDI PADA USAHA TANI KOPI DI TALANG PADANG, TANGGAMUS) 2023-08-07T04:50:13+00:00 Ferdi Hidayat <p>Limited capital will limit business owners in <br>running their business. Therefore, financing will be very <br>helpful in fulfilling the capital of business owners. <br>Financing is the focus of this research because financing <br>plays an important role for business owners which, if <br>utilized optimally, will greatly help the development of <br>their business not only run sober. The formulation of the <br>problem that the author will discuss in this study is how is <br>the implementation of business partner financing in the <br>Sehati Sharia Cooperative in fulfilling business capital? <br>and how the role of business partner financing in <br>increasing member business income The goal to be <br>achieved in this study is to find out how to finance business <br>partners in Koperasi Syariah Sehati Bandar Lampung and <br>to find out the role of financing business partners of <br>Koperasi Syariah Sehati in increasing the business income <br>of its members. The results of this study show that: <br>Business Partner Financing carried out by the Sehati <br>Bandar Lampung Sharia Cooperative is managed with <br>murabahah and wakalah contracts. Business partner <br>financing greatly provides an important role to partner <br>members such as: fostering the desire for entrepreneurship, <br>supporting member businesses, providing a sense of <br>comfort to partner members in providing business capital <br>and creating jobs.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MENYEBABKAN MENINGKATNYA HARGA TANAH AKIBAT PENGEMBANGAN WISATA DAM RAMAN DI METRO (Studi Kasus Wisata Dam Raman) 2023-08-07T08:07:42+00:00 Abdul Aziz <p>The gap that occurs between human interests and <br>the limited amount of land causes collisions and land <br>problems. Population growth will continue to increase <br>slowly. The increase in population that occurs has <br>consequences for the demand for land needs as settlements, <br>industry, infrastructure, and services. Areas that are <br>considered potential for development tend to be more <br>intensive when compared to areas that lack resources to be <br>developed. The characteristics and quantity of land is a <br>critical understanding of the economic benefits of land <br>where economic activity develops is the interest of the <br>community to mobilize.<br>This study aims to find out about what factors affect the <br>increase in land prices due to the development of Raman <br>Dam tourism in the Metro. This type of research is field <br>research, while the nature of this research is qualitative <br>descriptive with data collection techniques using interview <br>and documentation methods. All data obtained are <br>analyzed inductively.<br>The results obtained from this study are that the physical <br>characteristics of a plot of land there are several factors that <br>significantly affect the price of land located near Raman <br>Dam including physical characteristics of land, <br>accessibility, land use status stated in the land certificate, <br>as well as the availability of public facilities and public <br>security. The existence of Raman Dam tourism is the main <br>indicator of socio-economic development which has an <br>impact on the need for land parcels to increase enough, <br>causing land prices to increase. Increasing the accessibility <br>of road conditions and the distance to Raman Dam greatly <br>determines the increase in land price.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS MEKANISME PENETAPAN HARGA JUAL DALAM PERSPEKTIF PRINSIP-PRINSIP EKONOMI SYARIAH 2023-08-07T07:51:34+00:00 Riki Kurniawan <p>One of the important activities in economic life is <br>the exchange of goods and services, where these activities <br>will form a price. In the concept of Islamic economics, the <br>purpose of holding buying and selling transactions is to <br>seek the pleasure of Allah SWT, not to increase wealth or <br>maximize profits. In determining the price of an item, it <br>must be agreed and generally applicable, currently <br>minimarkets and modern shops including the Arafat Store <br>in setting prices using the odd price determination <br>mechanism, which is setting prices with nominal prices or <br>currencies that do not apply such as Rp.5,675, odd price <br>pricing contains elements of vagueness and will harm <br>buyers because at the time of payment the price will be <br>rounded and the seller takes more profit through Price <br>rounding done by the seller.<br>This research is a causative research, the collection of <br>research data is carried out by holding observations or <br>observations and interviews, with the object of research in. <br>This study aims to analyze and review based on the <br>principles of Sharia Economics regarding the mechanism <br>of selling prices in Toko Arafat which uses pricing with the <br>use of unclear nominal prices.<br>Based on the results of research and analysis of the selling <br>price determination mechanism, it can be concluded that <br>the nominal pricing mechanism is unclear or odd price <br>determination using fairness-based pricing, pricing is in <br>accordance with Islamic economic principles because the <br>price set does not tyrannize buyers to take advantage of a <br>reasonable level. does not take advantage of the rounded <br>odd price rounding results, but the rest of the rounding <br>results will be collected and transferred to social funds in <br>collaboration through the Baitul Maal Hidayatullah <br>(BMH) institution, which is an amil zakat social institution <br>engaged in collecting zakat, infaq, and sodaqah funds. And<br>odd price pricing is the equilibrium point between the <br>forces of supply and demand that is voluntarily agreed <br>upon willingly by sellers and buyers.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ENDORSEMENT SEBAGAI ALAT PEMASARAN MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH 2023-08-07T07:47:13+00:00 Fitri Haidayati <p>The development of information media in <br>Indonesia has caused many forms of advertising and types <br>of advertisements such as on Instagram social media. <br>Currently Instagram has penetrated into a business land for <br>someone in promoting and selling products, goods or <br>services to other Instagram users. To attract consumers, a <br>company or Online Shop uses various kinds of promotions. <br>One of them is marketing through endorsment. <br>Endorsement is a channel of brand communication, where <br>celebrities act as spokespersons and endorse the brand with <br>all attributes of popularity, personality, and social status of <br>the celebrity. But often endorsers or celebrities in <br>promoting a product through social media are not honest <br>or give a wrong perception or are not in accordance with <br>the quality of the product advertised to consumers.<br>This study aims to find out how endorsment as a marketing <br>tool through social media in the perspective of sharia <br>economic law. This type of research is field research. <br>While the nature of research is descriptive. Data collection <br>was conducted using interview and documentation <br>techniques. The data findings are described descriptively <br>and analyzed using inductive thinking.<br>Based on the results of research and discussion, researchers <br>can conclude that: The practice of endorsment in IAIN <br>Metro students still has celebrities who are dishonest or <br>give perceptions that contain elements of fraud or are not <br>in accordance with the quality of products promoted to <br>consumers and promotions that cannot be proven true. This <br>endorsment practice is allowed if it is in accordance with <br>the rules of an endorser. Such as using good and polite <br>language, not showing aurat, not containing immorality or <br>slander by comparing promoted products with other <br>products and promotions that contain real and true praise <br>and not engineered</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS MINAT MASYARAKAT MUSLIM MENJADI NASABAH BANKSYARIAH (STUDI KASUS DI KECAMATAN MARGA SEKAMPUNG LAMPUNG TIMUR) 2023-08-07T07:42:49+00:00 Muhammad Arif <p>Perkembangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia<br>saat ini sedang mengalami kemajuan. Hal ini dibuktikan<br>dengan banyaknya Bank Konvensional yang mulai <br>membuka Unit Usaha Syariah. masyarakat untuk <br>menjadi nasabah di Bank Syariah masih rendah. Tujuan <br>penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem sosialisasi <br>yang dilakukan oleh bank syariah di Marga Sekampung dan <br>Untuk mengetahui minat masyarakat Muslim Marga <br>Sekampunguntuk menjadi nasabah pada bank syariah. <br>Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Namun perkembangan Bank Syariah tersebut belum mampu mempengaruhi minat masyarakat menjadinasabah Bank Syariah. Kondisi tersebut terjadidi Gampong Pondok Kemuning yang seluruh<br>masyarakatnya beragama Islam. Akan tetapi minat Subjek<br>penelitian adalah masyarakat Marga Sekampung .<br>Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 10 orang dengan<br>menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Teknik<br>pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara.<br>Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif <br>Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa sosialiasi belum <br>pernah dilakukan secara langsung oleh pihak bank kepada<br>masyarakat di Marga Sekampung, Pendekatan dan<br>penawaran produk yang dilakukan oleh Bank Syariah<br>masih kurang. Minat masyarakat Marga Sekampung <br>disebabkan oleh sosialisasi, penawaran produk,<br>pengetahuan dan pendapatanyang diperoleh masyarakat.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam TINJAUAN HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH TERHADAP ARISAN PERHIASAN EMAS DI KELURAHAN IMOPURO KECAMATAN METRO PUSAT 2023-08-07T07:35:32+00:00 Imam Alwan Hakim <p>Arisan is part of muamalat that is familiar to <br>people in Indonesia. Arisan can be interpreted as the <br>activity of collecting money or goods of equal value by <br>several people then drawn among them to determine who <br>gets it, lots are held at a meeting periodically until all <br>members get it. Today, there are various forms of social <br>gatherings along with the times. One of the arisan that is <br>currently much favored by some people is the gathering of <br>goods in the form of gold. Gold arisan is much popular <br>because of all the types of arisan that exist, gold arisan is <br>considered more profitable, because gold prices tend to be <br>stable and even continue to rise.<br>This study aims to determine the views of sharia economic <br>law on gold jewelry arisan in Imopuro Village, Central <br>Metro District. This type of research is field research. <br>While the nature of the research is descriptive. The data <br>sources used are primary and secondary data sources. Data <br>collection was conducted using interview and <br>documentation techniques. The data findings are described <br>descriptively and analyzed using inductive thinking.<br>The results of this study concluded that the implementation <br>of gold jewelry gathering in Imopuro Village, Central <br>Metro District, was halal. This is because the gathering <br>does not violate the principles of muamalah. The gathering <br>is formed by mutual agreement with a contract and is <br>carried out on the basis of pleasure, there is no element of <br>deception, and there is no khiyar. The gathering brings <br>benefits that members can own gold jewelry in <br>installments</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PEMAHAMAN MASYARAKAT TENTANG PERBANKAN SYARIAH (Studi Kasus di Kampung Adi Jaya Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar Kabupaten Lampung Tengah) 2023-08-07T07:28:14+00:00 Miftahul Jannah <p>Islamic banks in terms of their current <br>development are not lagging behind with progress as well <br>as conventional banks. Conventional banking that <br>implements an interest system goes side by side with <br>Islamic banking that implements a profit-sharing system. <br>The problem faced by Islamic banks is the low public <br>knowledge about Islamic banking, especially caused by <br>the dominance of conventional banking so that Islamic <br>banking is still underestimated. The purpose of this study <br>is to find out how the public understands Islamic banking <br>in Adi Jaya Village, Flygi Besar District, Central <br>Lampung Regency.<br>This type of research is field research conducted in <br>Kampung Adi Jaya. The nature in this study is a <br>qualitative descriptive method. There are two sources of <br>data in this study, namely primary data sources and <br>secondary data sources. The primary data source is <br>obtained directly from the community, while the <br>secondary data source that the researchers use is in the<br>form of Kampung Adi Jaya documents and from various <br>books. To obtain valid data, researchers use a data <br>collection method, namely interviews. After the data is <br>collected, the researcher analyzes using qualitative data <br>analysis techniques using inductive methods..<br>The results of field research show that the understanding <br>of the public about Islamic banks in Kampung Adi Jaya is <br>that people only know the existence of Islamic banks but <br>do not understand Islamic banks in detail. Only some <br>people understand about Islamic banks and some even <br>don't know about Islamic banks at all. Most people do not <br>know what products and services are available in Islamic <br>banks. Lack of understanding from the public due to the <br>lack of information obtained from Islamic banks and <br>media such as television, print media and social media<br>which causes people not to know what Islamic banks are <br>and what products are in Islamic banks</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam OPTIMALISASI PERAN BMT EL IHSAN MUBAROK PRINGSEWU DALAM MEMINIMALISIR RENTENIR DI LINGKUNGAN MASYARAKAT KECAMATAN PRINGSEWU TAHUN 2022 2023-08-07T07:22:14+00:00 Septiya Maharani <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the role <br>of BMT El Ihsan Mubarok Pringsewu in an effort to <br>minimize the practice of loan sharks and the role of El <br>Ihsan Mubarok Pringsewu in an effort to minimize the <br>practice of loan sharks in an Islamic economic <br>perspective.This research is a field research (field <br>research), descriptive. The data source used is derived <br>from primary data and secondary data. The method of data <br>collection is carried out through interviews, documentation <br>and observation. sampling technique using purposive <br>sampling and obtained samples in this study were 2 BMT <br>El Ihsan Mubarok Pringsewu employees and 4 BMT <br>members who were trapped in the practice of loan <br>sharking. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis <br>with a deductive thinking approach. Based on the results <br>of the study, it can be concluded that the role of BMT El <br>Ihsan Mubarok Pringsewu in an effort to minimize the <br>practice of loan sharking in the community is carried out <br>through socialization, coaching and a ball pick-up system <br>as a way for people to leave dependence on loan sharks. <br>There are now 15 members already refinancing at BMT El <br>Ihsan Mubarok Pringsewu although not fully. The role of <br>BMT El Ihsan Mubarok Pringsewu in an effort to minimize <br>the practice of loan sharks in an Islamic economic <br>perspective is an effort to distance the public from the <br>practice of usury which is synonymous with the practice of <br>loan sharking.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH SEKTOR INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN DAN PERDAGANGAN TERHADAP PDRB PERIODE 2006-2021 DALAM PERSPEKTIF PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI ISLAM DI LAMPUNG TENGAH 2023-08-07T06:12:30+00:00 Alfina Rachmawati <p>Human resources have an important role in an <br>organization, The demands of the era of globalization and the <br>era of free competition are currently expected by organizations <br>Must have quality, innovative and creative human <br>resources.Because the organization is a network and the <br>decisions of policy successors and Decision. Compensation is <br>used as a performance benchmark with the goal of getting <br>qualified employees, retaining employees and make a good <br>contribution to the organization. This study has two <br>formulations of the problem, namely whether compensation <br>given can improve the performance of employees of Teluk <br>Student Park Junior High School Betung and whether <br>compensation is applied to employees Taman Siswa Teluk <br>Betung Junior High School is in accordance with Islamic <br>Economics. While the purpose of this study is to find out the <br>compensation in improving the performance given to teachers <br>at Taman Siswa Teluk Junior High School Betung, to find out <br>the Islamic Economic view of giving compensation to teachers <br>at Taman Siswa Teluk Betung Junior High School, Bandar City <br>Lampung and to determine the effect of compensation on <br>teacher performance at Taman Siswa Teluk Betung Junior <br>High School The results showed that compensation in <br>improving teacher performance can be said to be <br>effective. influences include; Teachers communicate <br>well, are more responsible with their work, teachers are <br>more disciplined in carrying out their duties, for better <br>attendance. The compensation given to employees of<br>Taman Siswa Teluk Betung Junior High School is in <br>accordance with what is taught by Islamic Economic <br>theories.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH KOMISARIS INDEPENDEN DAN DEWAN PENGAWAS SYARIAH TERHADAP MANAJEMEN LABA 2023-08-07T05:37:10+00:00 Eka Prilia Astuti <p>Profit management is an action taken by <br>management by increasing or decreasing profits through <br>accounting policies on financial statements carried out by <br>company management that will affect the profit displayed <br>in the financial statements. Where there is an Islamic <br>banking agency in charge of supervising Islamic banking <br>and providing advice to directors and management if <br>something goes wrong, so that Islamic banking runs well, <br>including independent commissioners and sharia <br>supervisory boards. Whether the existence of an <br>independent commissioner and sharia supervisory board <br>can reduce profit management practices, which will help <br>users of financial statements in making decisions. The <br>purpose of this study is to find out how the influence of <br>independent commissioners on profit management and <br>how the influence of sharia supervisory boards on profit <br>management. The dependent variables in this study are <br>profit management, while the independent variables are <br>independent commissioners and sharia supervisory boards. <br>This type of research is quantitative research, with a <br>sampling method using Purposive sampling. The results of <br>this study show that the independent commissioner <br>variable has a negative and significant effect on profit <br>management, while the sharia supervisory board variable <br>has a positive and insignificant effect on profit <br>management. The conclusions in this study show that the <br>more independent commissioners, the lower the practice of <br>profit management, and the sharia supervisory board is <br>only as a fulfillment of regulations.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENETAPAN MARGIN MURABAHAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI SYARIAH (Studi Kasus BMT Amanah Kantor Cabang Nabang Baru Kec. Marga Tiga Kab.Lampung Timur) 2023-08-07T05:01:06+00:00 Herman Saputra <p>BMT is an institution that has a role to conduct <br>guidance and funding in the sharia system. BMT also <br>offers several products including fund storage products <br>(wadiah, current accounts, savings, and time deposits) and <br>fund distribution (mudharabah, murabahah, salam <br>istishna). But in fact, of the several products offered, <br>financing products with the principle of buying and selling <br>(murabahah) are most in demand by the public. Murabahah <br>is a contract to buy and sell goods by stating the acquisition <br>price of an item and profit (margin) determined based on <br>mutual agreement. Margin is a certain gross profit or <br>percentage profit obtained from the difference between the <br>selling price of an item by BMT to members with the <br>agreed profit (margin), so that the reward (fee) obtained <br>from buying and selling transactions can be known.<br>This study aims to find out how the margin determination <br>in BMT Amanah Nabang Baru Branch Office Kec. Marga <br>Tiga Kab. East Lampung in the perspective of sharia <br>economy. This type of research is field research. While the <br>nature of the research is descriptive. The data sources used <br>are primary and secondary data sources. Data collection <br>was conducted using interview and documentation <br>techniques. The data findings are described descriptively <br>and analyzed using inductive thinking.<br>The results of this study concluded that the amount of <br>murabahah financing margin at BMT Amanah Nabang <br>Baru Branch Office Kec. Marga Tiga Kab. East Lampung <br>was influenced by the large purchase price of goods <br>submitted by members, costs incurred and the level of <br>profit expected by BMT. In determining margins, it must <br>meet two principles in Islamic economics, namely the <br>principle of free will and the principle of justice. However, <br>BMT Amanah does not apply these two principles because<br>there is no element of bargaining in determining margins <br>but it has been determined at the beginning and there is a <br>different treatment between each member who finances <br>murabahah</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISA FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN MAHASISIWA MEMILIH PROGRAM STUDI DI PERGURUAN TINGGI DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-07T04:57:12+00:00 Dwi Ratih <p>Consumer decision marketing can be defined as a <br>process by which consumers assess various choices and <br>choose one or more alternatives that are needed for <br>consideration. This is backgrounded by different student <br>factors in choosing a study program. Students will <br>certainly choose a certain study program with the hope that <br>the chosen study program will be able to support the <br>educational process in the future and get a good job. <br>Universities must be able to know what are the factors that <br>influence students to choose a study program<br>The method used in this study is quantitative, this research <br>is included in the type of field research (field research), the <br>nature of this research is descriptive analysis, the data used <br>in this study are primary and secondary data, the <br>population in this study is 691, the sample taken in this <br>study is 87 respondents using the slovin formula, by means <br>of proportional sampling technique, Data collection <br>techniques in this study are observation, questionnaires <br>and documentation. The data analysis method in this study <br>was carried out validity test, reliability test, multiple linear <br>regression analysis and hypothesis test<br>Based on the results of hypothesis test research, it partially <br>shows that social factors do not affect the decision of <br>students to choose a study program while psychological <br>factors have a positive and significant effect on the <br>decision of students to choose a study program, <br>simultaneously showing that together psychological <br>factors and social factors have a positive and significant <br>effect on the decision of students to choose a study<br>program, coefficient of determination is shown value <br>Adjused R Square by 0.380 or 38%</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-05-29T05:41:37+00:00 NUR INDAH SARI Lisa Efrina Estelee Elora Akbar <p>Consumer decision making is an integration process that combines knowledge to evaluate two or more alternative behaviors and choose one of the results of this integration process is a choice that is presented cognitively as a behavioral desire. It does not mean that the decision-making process must appear at all times when such behavior is expressed. According to Kotler and Keller, the purchase decision consists of five stages, namely: Introduction to Needs, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchasing Decisions, Post-Purchase Behavior The formulation of the problem in this study is Whether Business Location, Selling Price Determination and Product Quality affect Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Waleu Kaos Lampung In an Islamic Economic Perspective. The purpose of this study is to determine the Influence of Business Location, Selling Price Determination and Product Quality on Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Waleu Kaos Lampung in an Islamic Economic Perspective.This research is included in field research (Field Research), using quantitative approach methods. Based on the results of the study, the Fhitung value of 4,427 &gt; Ftabel was 2.71 so that it can be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted which means that there is an influence between Business Location, Pricing and Product Quality on Consumer purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the effect is partially known that the Business Location Variable and Selling Price Determination have no significant effect and the Product Quality Variable with a calculated value of 3.610 with a significance of 0.001.</p> 2023-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH PROGRAM KELUARGA HARAPAN (PKH) TERHADAP KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI RUMAH TANGGA MISKIN PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (STUDI PADA DUSUN CISARUA DESA MUARA PUTIH KECAMATAN NATAR KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023) 2023-08-07T04:42:37+00:00 Zhafaratul Hasanah <p>Every country must have its own problems, <br>including Indonesia. Indonesia has various problems, <br>including in the socio-economic field, especially the <br>problem of poverty. In relation to the framework of <br>household-based poverty reduction, the Government <br>launched a special program called the Family Hope <br>Program (PKH) which began in 2007 with the hope of <br>helping poor households to meet their needs. Cisarua <br>Hamlet, Muara Putih Village, is the hamlet that has the <br>highest number of KPM among other hamlets in Muara <br>Putih Village, Natar District This study aims to find out <br>and analyze how the influence of the Family Hope <br>Program (PKH) on the socioeconomic conditions of poor <br>households (RTM) and how the Islamic Economic view of <br>the Family Hope Program (PKH) on the socioeconomic <br>conditions of poor households in Cisarua Hamlet, Muara <br>Putih Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency, <br>with PKH as variable X and socioeconomic conditions <br>RTM as variable Y. Methods used in this study is <br>descriptive quantitative. The object of this study was the <br>participants who received PKH assistance assistance in <br>Cisarua Hamlet, Muara Putih Village. The data sources <br>used are primary data in the form of questionnaire results, <br>observations and secondary data including PKH <br>documents and archives and Muara Putih Village archives. <br>Data analysis methods are validity tests, reliability tests, <br>and simple regression. The results showed that the Family <br>Hope Progrm (X) had a positive and significant effect on <br>the socioeconomic conditions of RTM (Y). Judging from <br>the Islamic Economic values, namely justice, <br>responsibility, and social security (takaful) in its<br>implementation, PKH in Cisarua Hamlet, Muara Putih <br>Village, has applied fairly, responsibility and PKH as a <br>form of social security to the community provided by the <br>Government so that the creation of a prosperous society <br>and RTM can be separated from the confines of poverty</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS DAMPAK PEMEKARAN WILAYAH TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG BARAT DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-07T04:38:01+00:00 Dedi Arisandi Sabarudin Estele Elora Akbar <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemekaran wilayah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat dengan menganalisis pengaruh PD, JP, IPM serta bagaimana pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Lampung Barat ditinjau dalam perspekstif ekonomi Islam.Berdasarkan hasil uji beda paired t-test nilai signifikansi diperoleh 0.352 &gt;0.05 maka menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan setelah pemekaran wilayah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Lampung Barat. atau nilai sinifikan (0.042 &lt; 0.05). Pengujian menggunakan uji F menunjukkan bahwa ketiga variabel berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Lampung Barat dengan nilai signifikan 0.000 &lt; 0.05. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat sebelum dan sesudah pemekaran dikarenakan tidak terjadi peningkatan PDRB. Islam memandang Pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat belum optimal karena pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Lampung Barat masih belum diiringi dengan meningkatnya PDRB, penurunan kemiskinan dan masih adanya ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan</p> 2023-11-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS DAMPAK LINGKUNGAN AKIBAT PENAMBANGAN PASIR DITINJAU DARI PERSPEKTIF ETIKA BISNIS ISLAM (Studi Kasus di Desa Rejomulyo Kecamatan Pasir Sakti Lampung Timur) 2023-08-07T04:32:57+00:00 Eli Yulianto <p>Mining activities are considered coins that have <br>two opposing sides, namely as a source of prosperity as <br>well as a very potential environmental destroyer. As a <br>source of prosperity, this sector supports village income. <br>As an environmental destroyer, open-pit mining can <br>completely change either the climate or the subsoil. Based <br>on the results of a pre-survey conducted by researchers in <br>Rejomulyo village, Pasir Sakti District, East Lampung <br>Regency, the reality that exists in the community is that <br>sand mining in Rejomulyo village has affected the <br>community. Because sand mining in Rejomulyo village <br>makes the road damaged and the remaining mining land is <br>unproductive. Based on this description, researchers will <br>study and analyze the environmental impact of sand <br>mining in Rejomulyo village, Pasir Sakti District, East <br>Lampung Regency.<br>The purpose is to determine the impact of sand mining in <br>Rejomulyo Village, Pasir Sakti District, East Lampung <br>Regency in the perspective of Business Ethics. This <br>research is a field research with data collection methods <br>through interviews and documentation. The analytical <br>method that researchers use is descriptive analysis.<br>Based on the results of the study that what happened to <br>sand planting activities in Rejomulyo village had a positive <br>impact, namely opening up jobs and had a negative impact, <br>namely increasing air pollution, noise, and damaged roads. <br>However, the impact obtained is many negatives, a mining <br>entrepreneur should pay attention to the impact that will <br>occur in accordance with Islamic business ethics, namely <br>the principle of responsibility both regulated in law <br>number 4 of 1982 article 20, as well as ethical principles in <br>Islam. So that the activities they do make the community <br>comfortable</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PREFERENSI KONSUMEN TERHADAP LAYANAN SPBU DI KOTA METRO PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-07T04:27:33+00:00 Soni Yamalik <p>Preference means individual choice or tendency <br>in choosing products and services, which means individual <br>freedom in choice. Islam regards freedom as the <br>foundation of human values and human dignity. Freedom <br>that distinguishes humans from other creatures. The Quran <br>explains Allah's knowledge and authority over what He has <br>ordained for man. A consumer is a person or group that <br>carries out a series of consumption activities for goods or <br>services. Consumer decisions for the purchase of a product <br>are strongly influenced by various factors, such as <br>perception, learning and memory processes, motivation <br>and values, self-concept, attitudes, personality and <br>lifestyleThis study is intended to determine what factors <br>influence the preferences of gas station consumers in metro <br>cities from an Islamic economic perspective, research <br>using qualitative field research methods. The data <br>collection methods used are: interviews with primary data <br>sources, namely gas station officers and consumers, <br>documentation by digging information, and related to<br>consumer preferences for gas station services in Metro <br>City.<br>Based on the results of data sources that researchers <br>collected related to consumer preferences for gas station <br>services in Metro City, the perspective of Islamic <br>Economics is that there is the most important factor <br>expressed by all respondents about their interest in gas <br>stations is the value practiced which includes honesty, <br>because it is the most important factor that must be owned <br>by a trader and the most expected by a buyer.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS KONTRIBUSI PETANI PEREMPUAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN KELUARGA DITINJAU DARI PERPEKSTIF EKONOMI ISLAM 2023-08-07T04:22:58+00:00 Yuli Santi <p>The development of the times in this life makes <br>the needs in the family increase so as to encourage women <br>to join the work. Women in Lamkunyet Village work as <br>farmers to help support the family economy. This study <br>aims to see the contribution of women farmers in <br>improving the family economy from an Islamic economic <br>perspective. This research is descriptive qualitative. The <br>results showed that working women farmers are very <br>helpful for the family's economic condition. And women <br>who work as farmers in Lamkunyet village are in <br>accordance with the Quran and Sunnah<br>There are many bases that make women work, the first is <br>because women who become widows who are divorced or <br>left dead by husbands who require women to replace the <br>position of head of the household to earn a living to meet <br>all the needs of their families. The second is a woman who <br>is already married but her husband's income is not enough <br>to meet their household needs. The three unmarried women <br>who still live with their parents but whose parents can no <br>longer afford to make a living. Such conditions make <br>women take an active role in supporting the family <br>economy.<br>According to law number 19 of 2013 concerning the <br>protection and empowerment of farmers, farmers are <br>individual Indonesian citizens and/or with their families <br>who carry out farming in the fields of food crops, <br>horticulture, plantations, and/or animal husbandry. Farmer <br>is someone who is engaged in agriculture mainly by <br>managing land with the aim of growing and maintaining <br>crops such as rice, flowers, fruits and others in the hope of <br>obtaining the results of these plants for their own use or <br>selling them to others</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam PENGARUH INVESTASI SWASTA DAN PENGELUARAN PEMERINTAH TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG DALAM PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM TAHUN 2011-2016 2023-08-07T04:19:41+00:00 Kusnan <p>Economic growth is the process of increasing per <br>capita output in the long run. To improve national <br>development, it must be supported by regional <br>development that is implemented appropriately. Success <br>will not be seen without real results in the form of growth <br>from something built by the government in the economic <br>field, as well as without economic growth, the <br>development of a region will not run as it should<br>The formulation of the problem in this study is whether <br>there is an influence of private investment (FDI) and <br>government spending on economic growth in Lampung <br>province in 2011-2016, as well as how economic growth <br>in Lampung province in an Islamic economic perspective. <br>This study aims to determine whether or not there is an <br>influence of private investment and government spending <br>on economic growth in Lampung province and determine <br>economic growth in Lampung province from an Islamic <br>economic perspective<br>This research is a quantitative research with secondary data <br>in 2011-2016. Data collection in this study uses <br>documentation methods for private investment data and <br>government expenditure taken from data sourced from the <br>Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Lampung province. <br>The collected data was analyzed using multiple linear <br>regression processed with the SPSS program. Based on the <br>results of the significant test (t-test) on the variable private <br>investment did not have a significant effect on economic <br>growth in Lampung province, because in that period there <br>was a decrease in foreign exchange rates, which would <br>affect economic growth. A decrease in the exchange rate <br>will reduce investment. When there is a depreciation of the <br>rupiah exchange rate, the real value of profits to be <br>obtained will decrease, thereby reducing the level of<br>investment. Meanwhile, the variable government <br>expenditure has a significant effect on economic growth in <br>Lampung province, where the development of a region is <br>a form of government expenditure so that it can increase <br>economic growth</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Analisa Dampak Pengembangan Pariwisata Terhadap Sosial Ekonomi Di Kampung Wisata Pantai Pasir Putih 2023-08-07T04:15:56+00:00 Wahyu Firmansyah <p>Pariwisata menjadi salah satu sektor yang mulai<br>diperhitungkan atau diperhatikan diberbagai negara baik negara maju<br>ataupun negara sedang berkembang tidak terkecuali Indonesia.<br>Indonesia yang memiliki wilayah yang sangat luas dan didukung <br>oleh sumber daya alam dan budaya yang beragam sangat<br>potensial untuk diolah dan dimanfaatkan. Dari sumber daya alam<br>yang ada, pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor yang memiliki<br>potensi yang sangat Layak untuk dikelola dan dikembangkan <br>secara maksimal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian <br>lapangan (field research) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan <br>mencari data melalui survei lapangan. Sedangkan dilihat dari jenis <br>informasi datanya, penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif, <br>yaitu penelitian yang tidak dapat diuji dengan statistik. Adapun <br>pelaksanaan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian studi kasus <br>(case study) yaitu penelitian yang mempelajari secara mendalam <br>terhadap suatu individu, kelompok, institusi, atau masyarakat <br>tertentu tentang latar belakang, keadaan atau kondisi, factor-faktor <br>atau interaksi-interaksi sosial yang terjadi didalamnya. Kehidupan <br>sosial budaya masyarakat sekitar objek wisata yang diatur dalam <br>adat istiadat mengalami peningkatan, perubahan dengan adanya <br>strategi dan program yang dilakukan tidak lagi mengatur <br>secara ekstemal atau otoriter namun semakin fleksibel demi <br>perkembangan kehidupan sosial masyarakat pada umumnya.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam DAMPAK PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA TERHADAP SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Pada Taman Wisata Pantai Kelapa Rapat, Desa Batu Menyan, Kecamatan Teluk Pandan, Kabupaten Pesawaran tahun 2021-2022) 2023-08-07T04:12:02+00:00 Muhammad Mardani <p>Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu provinsi di <br>Indonesia yang memiliki sangat banyak sekali tempat-tempat <br>pariwisata yang bagus yang tidak kalah menarik jika dibandingkan <br>dengan provinsi yang lain. Kabupaten Pesawaran sebagai salah satu <br>daerah di provinsi Lampung yang memiliki potensipotensi Pariwisata <br>yang cukup banyak yang dapat dikembangkan lebih serius, salah satu <br>objek wisata yang sedang dikembangkan oleh TNI-AL Lampung <br>yang dikelola oleh Koperasi TNI-AL Lampung adalah Pantai Kelapa <br>Rapat. Pantai Kelapa Rapat adalah salah satu objek lokal yang <br>menjadi tempat wisata andalan bagi Kota Lampung sampai saat ini.<br>Pantai Kelapa Rapat berada di Desa Batu Menyan, Kecamatan Teluk <br>Pandan, Kabupaten Pesawaran yang menjadi tempat bagi turis lokal <br>maupun manca negara berdatangan untuk berekreasi, dengan <br>demikian dapat dikatakan kondisi seperti itu sudah pasti <br>meningkatkan pemasukan baik bagi Pemerintah, Pengusaha, dan <br>Masyarakat sekitar kawasan Taman Wisata Pantai Kelapa Rapat. <br>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dampak pengembangan <br>pariwisata terhadap sosial ekonomi masyarakat di kawasan objek <br>wisata pantai kelapa rapat menunjukkan dampak yang positif <br>terhadap sumber daya manusia, ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan <br>lingkungan. Namun pengembangan objek wisata pantai kelapa rapat <br>belum memenuhi kriteria pengembangan pariwisata syariah, akan <br>tetapi baik pengelola maupun masyarakat selalu menjaga dan <br>mempertahankan nilai-nilai agama dan budaya setempat.</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam EFEKTIVITAS PROPORSI PENYALURAN WAKAF UANG TERHADAP PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus KSPPS BMT Assyafi’iyah Kota Gajah) 2023-08-07T04:05:33+00:00 Puspita Anggraini <p>The most prominent issue in this period to be able <br>to achieve professional waqf management was the <br>emergence of the idea of cash waqf rolled out by an <br>economic figure from Bangladesh, Prof. M.A Mannan. <br>The presence of money endowments in a wider range can <br>be felt to improve the standard of living of the community <br>in the economic sector, especially if money endowments <br>are managed with neat, orderly, and professional <br>management along with the quality of the managers<br>This study aims to determine the proportion of money waqf <br>distribution to community economic empowerment so that <br>it can be said to be effective and the purpose of waqf can <br>be achieved. This research is a field research conducted <br>intensively, in detail, and in depth at the Baitul Maal wa <br>Tamwil Sharia Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSPPS <br>BMT) Assyafi'iyah Kotagajah. This study used interview <br>and documentation data collection techniques. Interviews <br>were conducted with Baitul Maal Assyafi'iyah leaders and <br>members who received the distribution of waqf money. <br>While the documentation is taken from the archives of <br>Baitul Maal Assyafi'iyah Kotagajah related to research. All <br>these data are analyzed deductively.<br>Based on the results of the study, the large proportion in <br>distributing waqf assets is 40% stored in the form of time <br>deposits and 60% distributed to members as micro <br>business capital. The micro business capital is channeled <br>through two contracts, namely mudharabah financing and <br>qardhul hasan loans. With a proportion of 60%, in fact, it <br>has been able to help the members' economies and is <br>effective in empowering the community's economy. This <br>is evident from the tangible results that have been produced <br>by members receiving waqf money assets as their micro <br>business capital</p> 2023-08-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI PENDISTRIBUSIAN ZAKAT FITRAH OLEH AMIL DI KELURAHAN BANJARSARI KECAMATAN METRO UTARA KOTA METRO 2023-08-06T07:07:11+00:00 Kris Yulianti <p>Zakat is an absolute obligation of one's Islam. <br>There are two zakats, namely zakat maal and zakat fitrah. <br>The discussion on zakat fitrah carried out by previous <br>scholars still needs to be developed, in accordance with the <br>times. Some Muslims living today are still confused about <br>the empowerment of zakat fitrah distribution. Efforts to <br>apply zakat fitrah optimally, it requires proper distribution <br>empowerment. Zakat fitrah can be applied optimally if the <br>zakat fitrah receives support from various parties, namely <br>Muzakki, Mustahiq, Amil Zakat and support from the <br>Government<br>This study aims to describe the implementation of the <br>distribution of zakat fitrah by amils in Banjarsari Village, <br>North Metro District, Metro City. This study used <br>interview and documentary data collection techniques. <br>Interviews were conducted with Muzakkis, Mustahiq, and <br>Amil Zakat. The documentary was conducted on data used <br>to trace the distribution of zakat fitrah empowerment. All <br>these data are analyzed inductively.<br>Based on the results of the study, the distribution of zakat <br>fitrah empowerment in Banjarsari Village, North Metro <br>District, Metro City, is carried out consumptive zakat fitrah <br>empowerment. Meanwhile, the productive empowerment <br>of zakat fitrah has not been implemented so far. This is due <br>to the lack of public understanding of the distribution of <br>zakat fitrah empowerment. As a result, Amil Zakat <br>distributed its zakat fitrah not on target. In addition, the <br>empowerment of zakat fitrah has not been able to empower <br>the community's economy because the benefits of zakat <br>can only be felt to meet short-term needs. So from year to <br>year Mustahiq's economy has not changed.</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA MIKRO, KECIL, DAN MENENGAH BERBASIS EKONOMI KREATIF BIDANG KULINER DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2023-08-06T07:03:48+00:00 Muhammad Ali Tohari <p>This thesis discusses the MSME Development <br>Strategy based on the creative economy in the culinary <br>sector in Palopo City. The purpose of the research is to find <br>out how the challenges and obstacles faced by creative <br>economy MSME actors in the culinary sector to develop <br>their businesses so that by using SWOT analysis can be <br>known strategies that can be done for the development of <br>Creative Economy-based MSMEs, especially in the <br>culinary sector in Palopo City. The research design used in <br>this study is a qualitative research method with SWOT <br>analysis and using pruposive sampling, which is a <br>sampling technique by first determining where the data <br>source comes from. Direct data collection techniques by <br>conducting observations, interviews, questionnaires, and <br>documentation. The results of the research obtained are <br>that there are obstacles and challenges faced by business <br>actors so that it is still difficult to be able to develop a <br>business<br>By using the SWOT analysis method, strategies can be <br>obtained that can be used in the development of Creative <br>Economy-based MSMEs in Palopo City, especially in the <br>culinary field, namely improving product quality and <br>accompanied by unique and attractive packaging so that it <br>provides its own value, collaborating with several culinary <br>business actors in product promotion that can attract public <br>interest, increasing promotional activities by utilizing <br>social media so that it can be known more widely, and add <br>new flavor variants so that there are many choices that <br>make consumers not easily bored. In addition, the need for <br>support and attention from the government is needed in the <br>process of developing Creative Economy MSMEs in the <br>culinary sector currently in the city of Bandar Lampung</p> 2023-08-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Az Zahra: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam