PEMAHAMAN MASYARAKAT TENTANG PERBANKAN SYARIAH (Studi Kasus di Kampung Adi Jaya Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar Kabupaten Lampung Tengah)


  • Miftahul Jannah Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


Compensation, Performance and Islamic Economy


Islamic banks in terms of their current
development are not lagging behind with progress as well
as conventional banks. Conventional banking that
implements an interest system goes side by side with
Islamic banking that implements a profit-sharing system.
The problem faced by Islamic banks is the low public
knowledge about Islamic banking, especially caused by
the dominance of conventional banking so that Islamic
banking is still underestimated. The purpose of this study
is to find out how the public understands Islamic banking
in Adi Jaya Village, Flygi Besar District, Central
Lampung Regency.
This type of research is field research conducted in
Kampung Adi Jaya. The nature in this study is a
qualitative descriptive method. There are two sources of
data in this study, namely primary data sources and
secondary data sources. The primary data source is
obtained directly from the community, while the
secondary data source that the researchers use is in the
form of Kampung Adi Jaya documents and from various
books. To obtain valid data, researchers use a data
collection method, namely interviews. After the data is
collected, the researcher analyzes using qualitative data
analysis techniques using inductive methods..
The results of field research show that the understanding
of the public about Islamic banks in Kampung Adi Jaya is
that people only know the existence of Islamic banks but
do not understand Islamic banks in detail. Only some
people understand about Islamic banks and some even
don't know about Islamic banks at all. Most people do not
know what products and services are available in Islamic
banks. Lack of understanding from the public due to the
lack of information obtained from Islamic banks and
media such as television, print media and social media
which causes people not to know what Islamic banks are
and what products are in Islamic banks


