
  • Bella Ariska Rahmawati Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung


Compensation, Performance and Islamic Economy


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
have a very important role in the economy in Indonesia,
because they can overcome the problems of
unemployment, employment and increased innovation. So
that it can provide opportunities for the community to open
other businesses and provide jobs. However, the problem
for micro entrepreneurs to develop their business and
increase income is capital. In this study, Bank BRI Syariah
KCP Sribhawono East Lampung which is a sharia financial
institution whose existence is expected to develop micro
businesses in an effort to overcome poverty
The formulation of the problem in this research is: (1)
What is the role of Bank BRI Syariah KCP Sribhawono
East Lampung in empowering MSMEs through
Murabahah financing? (2) What are the obstacles faced by
Bank BRI Syariah KCP Sribhawono Lampung Timur in
providing and explaining Murabahah financing? and this
study aims to determine the role of Bank BRI Syariah KCP
Sribhawono East Lampung in empowering MSMEs
through murabahah financing and the obstacles faced by
Bank BRI Syariah KCP Sribhawono East Lampung in
providing murabahah financing
This type of research includes field research. The method
used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The population
in this study amounted to 173 business actors in 2018. In
determining the sample using an error rate of 10% so that
the sample in this study amounted to 17 business actors.
This study used data collection techniques, namely
observation, interviews, documentation.
The results of this study show that the role of Bank BRI
Syariah KCP Sribhawono East Lampung in empowering
MSMEs shows that the Bank supports business actors to
improve and develop their businesses, by providing
financing and ease in applying for murabahah financing.
So that business actors can use it to advance and develop
their business. And the obstacles faced by Bank BRI
Syariah KCP Sribhawono East Lampung are guarantees
and bookkeeping problems


