
  • Mega Palyanti STAI Tulang Bawang


Empowerment of Educational Institutions, Human Resources


Islamic education is required to formulate a profile of what is actually expected by the education system when dealing with globalization. This formulation is very important because the output is relevant to the context of globalization which can be used as a basis for the realization of the expected ideal goals. Thus, superior human figures resulting from Islamic education are those who are intelligent, creative and civilized. With intelligence (physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual) it is believed that they will be able to face globalization and all its challenges. The response of Islamic educational institutions to these expectations is the starting point for the empowerment strategy for the development of educational institutions. The purpose of this research is to build efforts to empower Islamic educational institutions to prepare superior human resource outputs. This research is a qualitative research study with a phenomenological approach that discusses changes in the empowerment of Islamic higher education institutions that develop the universality of Islamic teachings and are globally oriented. The data obtained is tabulated, analyzed and concluded. The results of the study provide direction and views on changes in the vision of educational institutions, educational models, institutional culture, higher education policies and programs and supporting facilities for education with a global orientation in a structured and comprehensive manner. The implication of empowering higher Islamic education institutions is as a reference in developing superior human resources with Islamic character.


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