
  • Sarpendi IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Andi Warisno IAI An Nur Lampung


image, madrasa, strategic management, public relations


Today, competition between educational institutions, especially in the quality of educational processes and outcomes, is very tight and open. One of the efforts to win the competition is to improve the image in the eyes of the public (public). The perceptions of madrasa residents (principals, teachers, students, and parents of students) and the community about the image of the madrasa are factors that influence the participation of school members and the community. In educational institutions, image is needed in order to provide a good reputation and achievement to be achieved for public relations or public relations. Therefore, the image of the institution is important and must be maintained so that it remains good in the community, both those around educational institutions and in the eyes of the general public. So that educational institutions need efforts to achieve educational goals in general. With today's highly competitive conditions, educational institutions in the field of Public Relations are trying to win public support through programs carried out through structured and well-conceived management strategies so that these efforts are successful.


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