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  • Ahmad Sayuti IAI An Nur Lampung
  • Khusnul Khotimah IAI An Nur Lampung


Moral Education, Imam Al-Ghazali, Ayyuhal Walad


In the context of Islamic education, morality occupies an important position, both conceptually and practically. It contains a lot of Islamic normative content and examples from figures who spread kindness. It is not surprising that Islam pays great attention to morals and places it as an important field of education. It can even be a vital foundation in forming human beings with noble character. Therefore Islam also has attention to the period of human growth, since he was a child; teenagers, adults, and at the same time have full responsibility for themselves and their families. It was also this phase of the child's growth that got the attention of al-Ghazali in his work Ayyuhal-Walad, with the title Walad, meaning child in Indonesian, indicating that al-Ghazali's statements in his book have a vision and mission to bring children closer as subjects of education. In this book, al-Ghazali uses the method of children's education in normative advice. For this reason, efforts to further study the concept of moral education according to al-Ghazali in this book are important so that their relevance to Islamic education will be found today.


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