
  • Weni Kurniawati IAI An Nur Lampung


Stress, Covid-19, Management, New Normal,


The number of cases of Covid-19 in the new normal period in Indonesia, these various things have resulted in very good anxiety in adolescents, adults and the elderly which have many impacts on life. The increase in the spread of the Covid-19 virus has caused many changes in the activity sector, including the education sector. March 16, 2020, almost all regions in Indonesia changed the regular 'face-to-face' learning system to 'learning from home' or distance learning (PJJ) or learning from home (SFH). The change in the learning system from face-to-face online (distance learning) in the COVID-19 pandemic phase made parents feel stressed when accompanying the learning process with assignments, in addition to having to survive and work for each other in the midst of a crisis. notification of a government policy letter regarding face-to-face learning, of course, causes a lot of fear and anxiety for parents, teachers and children regarding the number of cases of covid which is still growing, 2 years since the covid-19 pandemic, all activities including learning are carried out from home, some children have started to get used to distance learning and have to come back to meet the data face to face. Of course this causes problems not only for students but also for teachers and parents.


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