Compensation, Performance and Islamic EconomyAbstract
Human resources have an important role in an
organization, the demands of the era of globalization and
the current era of free competition are expected that
organizations must have quality, innovative and creative
human resources. Because the organization is a network
and decision of the successors of policy and decision
making. Compensation is used as a benchmark of
performance with the aim of getting quality employees,
retaining employees and making a good contribution to the
This study has two formulations of the problem, namely
whether the compensation given can improve the
performance of employees of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk
Betung and whether the compensation applied to
employees of SMP Taman Siswa Teluk Betung is in
accordance with Islamic Economics. While the purpose of
this study is to determine compensation in improving
performance given to teachers at SMP Taman Siswa Teluk
Betung, to find out the views of Islamic Economics
regarding compensation to teachers at SMP Taman Siswa
Teluk Betung Kota Bandar Lampung and to determine the
effect of compensation on teacher performance at SMP
Taman Siswa Teluk Betung
This study uses qualitative methods, which in a population
of 38 employees at SMP Taman Sisiwa Teluk Betung, the
determination of samples refers to the theory proposed by
Suharsimi Arikunto, data obtained from the results of
observation, interviews, and direct documentation with
respondents, then analyzed with qualitative methods for
the purpose of knowing the provision of compensation in
improving teacher performance according to the
perspective of Islamic economics
The results showed that compensation in improving
teacher performance can be said to be effective. influences
include; Teachers communicate well, are more responsible
with their work, teachers are more disciplined in carrying
out their duties, for better attendance.
The compensation given to the employees of Taman Siswa
Teluk Betung Junior High School is in accordance with
what is taught by Islamic Economic theories