About the Journal
Journal Title : Al Husein: Journal of Mathematics and Science Education
Initials : Alhusein
Frequency : Four times a year (September, December, March, and June)
DOI : Prefix 10.57146
ISSN : 2962-9594 (Print) | 2964-9323 (Online)
Editor in Chief : Kurnia Santi, S.Pd., M.Ed.
Publisher : Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar, CrossrefDOI, Garuda
Al Husein: Journal of Mathematics and Science Education is an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed, contributed and invited research articles of the highest quality that address the intersection of science education and technology with implications for improving and enhancing science education at all levels across the world. Topics covered can be categorized as disciplinary (mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, as well as some applications of computer science and engineering, including the processes of learning, teaching and teacher development)